Why do i look different in the mirror?

When I look in the mirror i see the fat but it doesn't look that bad. When someone takes a picture of me I look incredibly huge, i don't see that in the mirror :/ wtf. Everyone tells me I don't look the size i actually am but I look slimer. I don't get it. Am i lying to myself are others lying to me? I feel like i don't know what I look like now. :(


  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    Not quite the same...but, when I look down I feel I look bigger than I appear in the mirror. While I'm not in everyone's head, I figure this to be a normal, but curious experience.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Have a read over this article ...



    A lot of mirrors and the lighting that goes with them are designed to flatter. :)

    I also suspect we stand in a more flattering way when we stand in front of a mirror. Same with the camera ... I discovered that certain poses were better than others, and if I was able to pose for a photo, it wasn't too bad. But I was rather horrified if someone caught me un-posed.
  • livinatthegym7677
    livinatthegym7677 Posts: 15 Member

    I think it's one of those unfortunate tricks our eyes/minds play on us. It's similar to when you don't see your weight losses but everyone is saying "wow you lost weight!" You see yourself from certain points of view and you get used to that. Change in weight occurs slowly so you are less likely to notice it. When you see a picture it is from a third person perspective so it is not a point of view you are used to seeing and therefore can look much different and even be shocking. Just keep doing what you are doing. If it really bothers you try having a friend take pics of you every week or few days as time permits. Soon the pics will look normal to you. Hope this helps!

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    That's your brain, playing tricks on you...DONT LISTEN!! As long as you're being consistent, you will see RESULTS...sometimes little by little, sometimes day on, day off...but they will happen!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I didn't say she didn't workout either...where did you get that, speaking of knee jerk projecting?
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    If you say so, good thing you're here to correct me! To me, the more results you see, those mirror problems, whether seeing skinny or fat, will lessen. But again, feel free to correct me with your theory about the mirror. Have a great day to you AND OP..lol ;)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    I feel like i don't know what I look like now. :(

    Here you go ...


    Go to the link in the first post and enter your information. Then you'll know. :)

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    OP, I will tell you that I have this same issue. I will look in the mirror and think I look good. Take a picture 5 seconds later and think yikes. I do think that camera angles, lighting, etc. make a bigger difference than we can imagine. I'm pretty fair in complexion and while I can see the shading the shows muscle definition in the mirror, it doesn't often show in pictures. That kind of thing makes a big difference.
  • AshleighAnn72
    AshleighAnn72 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks guys. I can see I'm bigger then I used to be, (size 10, now size 16) but it don't look much different, ive always been chubby, but I'm ok with not being skinny, im loosing weight for health reasons now. We was out bowling one night and someone took a picture on me and put it on fb, when i saw it i was discussed :(. Then i want to the doctors she started going on about be being obese, I was thinking what on earth, I'm overweight but far from obese, then she tried to take my blood pressure and the band wouldn't fit around my arm, so fking embarrassed. And then she weighed me and I was in the obese section, i just keep thinking how could I let this happen and not realise how fat i am. I absolutely hate my wedding photos, i juts cried when i got them. I've lost 12lbs so far, and ive already noticed a big change in my health.
    I wish people would have just said I'm turning into a fatty before I got obese. When I mention my weight now they're just like oh no your not fat, just big built (bull s**t, i just love to eat xD) my own doing.
    Think I might find the worst picture of myself and change it to my home screen pic on my phone to keep me motivated, because when even still after ikno the mirror lies, I tell myself i look ok...
  • Raymil82
    Raymil82 Posts: 17 Member
    When I look in the mirror i see the fat but it doesn't look that bad. When someone takes a picture of me I look incredibly huge, i don't see that in the mirror :/ wtf. Everyone tells me I don't look the size i actually am but I look slimer. I don't get it. Am i lying to myself are others lying to me? I feel like i don't know what I look like now. :(

    I have wondered this myself! It's like I look in the mirror and I think to myself, "hey I don't look that bad." But then when someone takes a picture of me? It's like, "omg! Do I really look like that in person!? I look huge!" I hate it. But I'm hoping I can change that. So I can look good in the mirror but also feel like I look good in pictures and feel better about myself.
  • MarriedToTheBob
    MarriedToTheBob Posts: 25 Member
    Don't they say cameras add 10 pounds? Maybe you pose different in front of the mirror than you do a camera ? I can be modest with others around
  • GobletofFlames
    GobletofFlames Posts: 113 Member
    When I look in the mirror i see the fat but it doesn't look that bad. When someone takes a picture of me I look incredibly huge, i don't see that in the mirror :/ wtf. Everyone tells me I don't look the size i actually am but I look slimer. I don't get it. Am i lying to myself are others lying to me? I feel like i don't know what I look like now. :(

    I'm sorry this is bothering you :( I think you look beautiful in your profile picture <3
  • cqueenbee12
    cqueenbee12 Posts: 48 Member
    I have this same problem. I look in my mirror at home and think my goodness I look cute today, etc. But then we go out to a family function and one of my cousins or aunts will snap my picture and I think My God I'm huge! I have hated my picture being taken for years.
  • OfficialDSXIII
    OfficialDSXIII Posts: 91 Member
    I think part of the problem is that the mirror is the most familiar view of yourself. We're naturally more attracted to things that we are familiar with. When a photo or video of yourself is taken it's not the same view, but a horizontally flipped one.

    At the end of the day though it's still just you.
  • AshleighAnn72
    AshleighAnn72 Posts: 83 Member
    Queenbee that's exactly it, i don't understand how you go from, yeah I look and feel good, to a mass of fat sitting on a chair in one snap :( I have a christening coming up, and I wanted to wear a dress and look elegant, I see something really pretty in my mind, but I already know, when it comes to take a pic of me, I'll just look like an idiot thinking I could look nice, (usually wear jeans, and plain t shirt everywhere). I'm the only women that'll be there that doesn't have a child, and I'm the biggest :( I'll just have to try and avoid all cameras! Wish I stated my diet sooner.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited June 2016
    It all depends on lighting when in front of a mirror and for photos, its all about the angle of the shot.

    If you feel good yourself then that's all that matters - we are our own worst critics usually. When we stand in front of a mirror once we step away from it any flaws we may see are forgotten about. When we're looking at a photo we can't help but study it and we seem to see all imperfections and focus on them.

    I look fabulous in soft lighting in the mirror but with harsh sunlight pouring in, not so much LOL

    I have to say I've never been happier with my mirror image/photos now - losing the weight I needed to sorted that.
    However if I were to closely examine my reflection, then of course I'd still hone in on the wobbly tummy. As much as it has shrunk its still there, but I don't give a toss about it as when I'm dressed, noone else sees it. The older I get the less I care about how I'm perceived by others, I'm happy in my own skin :smile:
  • chubgeek
    chubgeek Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I also get this! For me I blame it on my height. When I look in the mirror I see myself as a normal well proportioned person. I have big boobs and a big bum but I can definitely make out my waist so I feel pretty hot. In photos taken from even a few inches above my eye level my broad shoulders and and boobs go straight into my hips/bum and make me look like an egg on legs. This becomes worse when I'm sat down in photos. Everybody looks worse in candid photos but when we look at our friends we focus on their smiles/what they're doing and don't get as harsh about thighs/bingo wings as we do on ourselves. If we looked our best in pictures there wouldn't be a million articles telling us how to pose to get flattering angles.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I don't ever look like how I see myself in photos. I don't think it is weight but a brain thing because it has been the case all my life at very different weights. I know it is me but it doesn't look like the me in my head. I photograh badly.

    This article explains some reasons why we can look different in photos and mirrors.