Not new, but never introduced!

Hello. I've been using this AP for a while but recently with some job changes, teeth extractions, and illness I've totally fallen off the health train. Really looking for some friends to motivate me into getting back into it. =)


  • tlovesb6969
    tlovesb6969 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been mfp for awhile too! Just trying to maintain and lose a few... but here to help!! :))request
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    feel free to add me if you want. I am not much of a friend, but occasionally I'm funny. Kinda like a "everyone point and laugh" kinda way.
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    I've been on the app for a while. It's been a year since I had my baby, and I'm still trying to lose the last few lbs. Feel free to add me
  • fitnessjustin01
    fitnessjustin01 Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome! Having my group of friends on here has really helped me stay focused!
  • padron7485
    padron7485 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome back to the health train, i just started using the app this week and its pretty cool. Glad you're moving past all the bad stuff that was happening and are getting back on track.