Need help with office treats...



  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    On thing that's starting to give me a bit better visual of things...
    At first glance I see the precious lovely cupcake calling my name.
    If it's home-made, I may consider what home it was made in (made by which co-worker).
    Knowing it didn't come from MY home, where I control what went in (GERMS AND ALL haha)...I may think a long hard moment before deciding to dive on it or not.

    Like they say about gossipy people in the office...golden rule: "Consider the source!" applies here too haha.
  • hellonew2015
    hellonew2015 Posts: 327 Member
    What works for me is to always feel full. I bring my own food which I enjoy, I do not care if they have at the office my favorite food on earth.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    you just learn to say

  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I like the pre-logging idea, so you know you don't have the calorie budget for those foods, or you know you'd have to run for 2.5 miles to pay for them!

    And not only should you keep an eye on your calorie budget, think about how you will feel. You could budget for your ONE slice of pizza for lunch, 250-350 calories, all good. And then at 2 o'clock you're STARVING because you're used to eating more than that... and that's where I usually fall off the wagon for the day. Knowing that you have a container FULL of delicious healthy foods that will keep you full 'til you get home vs. one piece of pizza that will be digested in about 5 minutes.

  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    edited June 2016
    I usually have some, log it, and make the rest of the day work around it. If I can see that it's going to be too much of a sacrifice to make something fit I usually don't have much trouble leaving it alone.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I like to enjoy those sorts of foods, and can't do that when tapping away on my keyboard or answering the phone. If i eat them, it's in my personal time but when i was losing, i wanted it so much, the treats weren't worth it.
  • novio50
    novio50 Posts: 778 Member
    I remind myself that there's no sweet item that I can't make taste better than what my coworkers have brought into the office. In my case, this is totally true! Sweets have been a major portion of my life, especially making them. So for me, there's nothing that has come close to one of my old creations.

    But for you, it's only a _______, there will probably be some thing else next week! There's no need to use those cals for something that may not be as helpful to you as it tastes. It's probably not as good as you hope.
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    I love to bake. When I do bake, I make sure I bake items that fit within my health journey :) I will bring the healthy treats to work and share. People get excited when I bring things to work because they know I bring healthy, yummy, homemade goodies.

    I choose to walk away from the tim hortons donuts that people bring in because my calories are precious and I want to have things that are worth it :)

    We have a chef at work and she bakes pre-made cookie dough and all that stuff from large grocery suppliers. I don't even crave it anymore because I know I can make better and I can track it better because I know EXACTLY what goes in to what I make :)
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    I dont take one. If im forced to ill take it and then take ut home and bin it. Sometimes i take it home and split it for dessert with the hubby.

    No one can force you to take anything. Just saying.
  • mom2colbyj
    mom2colbyj Posts: 119 Member
    I used just to say no and avoid it. However now that I've changed jobs where our patients bring us food (sweets) to thank us after their treatment is finished I let myself enjoy a little. I try and make it fit into my calories but I think it's more important for me to celebrate with the patient than stress about it especially since it's not an every day or even every week occurrence. Life is short, I work at a job that proves it. Either politely decline or just pick a day of the week/month(s) to have something. My last job they seemed to have a potluck every week. It took about a month of me saying that unless they could tell me the exact sodium count and calorie count I couldn't have it before they stopped hounding me.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    edited June 2016
    I just say "no thanks, I'm on a diet" and after a while my colleagues get used to me saying no and don't offer anymore. In fact one colleague brought me a nakd bar (as they'd seen me eating them before) especially for me when giving out chocolate bars.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member

    Anything I bring from home is better tasting than what they bring.

  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    I just say "no thanks, I'm on a diet" and after a while my colleagues get used to me saying no and don't offer anymore. In fact one colleague brought me a nakd bar (as they'd seen me eating them before) especially for me when giving out chocolate bars.

    I will say, this can backfire... Some people respect that you're on a diet, and some take it as an invitation to comment on your every food choice, inquire about how much you've lost, tell you when they think you've gotten skinny enough, or intentionally offer you cupcakes at every opportunity just to be a jerk. But you're lucky you're in an office with people who respect and support you like that :)
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    In my office, most everyone was growing weary of the every-other-day birthday celebrations. We all agreed to designate one birthday celebration every month. Last week, we had cupcakes for all the June birthday people. I can deal with one cupcake a month.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    If it doesn't fit your goals, skip it. If that's the case and you're tempted, just pretend the person making it or the person digging around to pick out their selection walked right past the sink after using the bathroom (probably really don't need to pretend, pretty likely it happened).