Fed up but motivated

I've been yo yo dieting for years. Before and after having my son. When a child says on holiday your too fat to go swimming that's a bit of a shock to the old system. But true and I didn't take offence.
I find this app great for calorie counting, I need to get my *kitten* in gear and stop feeling sorry for myself, about the next size up I need to buy now, about how I hate looking and feeling fat.
I'm on day 3 now into this app and am enjoying my healthy eating - the weekend will be a struggle.
Will be introducing some easy exercise too - any tips would be great.


  • louann_jude
    louann_jude Posts: 307 Member
    Planning goes a long way. If you are like us weekends are time for eating out at least one day. I will look up places online and look for their calorie info. From there I chose the lest dangerous option and go from there. I will plan my other meals around it. Also if it's a place that serves huge portions ask for a to go box when they bring the food out and put half in the box from the beginning. Skip the bread basket or chips and salsa.

    The other thing is drinking lots of water and slowing down while eating. Putting the fork or spoon down between bites. The slower you eat the easier it is to feel when you are getting full.