Hello Gym. Remember me?

Hi Everyone,

I'm Kat and I live in sunny, ha I mean rainy Washington State.

My fitness story: I fell off the fitness bandwagon - as hard as that is to admit. I served in the Marine Corps for 8 years where working out and being healthy was something I really enjoyed. I got injured in Iraq and unfortunately the way I enjoyed working out my body simply could no longer do. I let my injury impact more than my body; I let it break my spirit and I ended up viewing working out as a chore instead of something to enjoy. Eventually my workouts grew farther apart until ultimately it was something I just didnt do.

But after a period of time longer than I care to admit of feeling sorry for myself I have decided to accept that I am pretty darn lucky that all that happened was a hip/leg injury and nothing more serious. So I am back at it and woah buddy I dont remember being this winded when running and who made all those weights so heavy huh?

All joking aside I am hoping the myfitnesspal app can help keep me on track as I get back to basics and work towards my goal of ultimately just being healthy and not viewing working out as a chore, but as something that is enjoyable and that I am lucky to be able to do. I hope to maybe make a few fitnesspal friends along the way cause I know there will be tough days, good days, ho hum days - but anyday is better when you have the support of others.

Happy to be here!