Hi everyone

Hi everyone, one of my co workers recommended this app and so far I love it. A little about myself my husband and I have been married 10months together 7 & 1/2 years we have a beautiful baby girl who just turned one in May. After she was born I was diagnosed with postpartum depression, which depression is something I have been dealing with my entire life. Over the last four months I have really hit rock bottom with my depression and my weight. I'm 5'7 and weigh 234. I'm looking to loose at least 80 pounds, that is my long term goal short term I would like to loose 15 pounds in the next four weeks. Maybe that's to far fetched but I'm going to try everything in my power to make it happen. Any and all support is greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone for your time and good luck on your own personal journeys what ever they may be.