Suggestions for "filling foods"?



  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    definitely egg white omelettes. they are also my go-to supper when i'm low on calories.

    before i went gluten free, i used to make quasi egg mcmuffins in the oven by cracking the eggs into muffin tins and baking them (no butter, no frying). they make great quick breakfast sandwiches. make 'em sunday and you'll have them all week.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,016 Member
    I find that eating boiled eggs for breakfast really helps me to stay full. I can eat 2 boiled eggs and some fruit and maybe yogurt and I will be find until lunch. You can boil the eggs ahead of time and keep them in the fridge and they are ready to go. I think you could easily add an egg to your mini wheats.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    You could also do a fritatta, heavy on the egg whites. Add whatever lower-calorie vegetables you'd like, and maybe some cheese or bacon/ham/sausage for satiating fat. It will last a few days, and I like them at room temperature. Add berries or avocado as a side for more fiber. Good balance of macros should help you feel full.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I agree with everyone else about playing with your macros. Protein, especially at breakfast, is a key for me, along with lots of vegetables. Fat does nothing for satiety for me, but for many it seems to, so is worth trying.

    I make a vegetable omelet for breakfast (very fast) and have some other protein with it, usually (smoked salmon, leftover chicken, plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese). But there are lots of premade egg-based breakfast options you can do if you like eggs. Something like this:, or of course the hard boiled options. Or if not wedded to breakfast food some leftovers (I occasionally have leftover meat from dinner plus some vegetables and maybe a piece of fruit). I also like Francl's idea about oatmeal -- I do oatmeal with protein powder and berries and maybe some raw veg on the side (I really like to have vegetables with all meals, but that's not necessary).

    Same approach for lunch (I love a salad with protein, a wrap, mixing and matching dinner leftovers), although you could also try looking at low cal lunches and adding in something filling like greek yogurt or a hard-boiled egg or fruit/raw veg as a snack. Exactly what is filling for people varies, though, so experiment to see what works for you.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I have lots of frozen stuff I can microwave. Fish, chicken and veggies in a Pyrex works for me at work--often with a little Smart Balance and some black beans. Greek yogurt and raspberries (this Oikos banana cream is like dessert), protein shake with unsweetened soy milk, this 100 cal per pack oatmeal, Halo Top ice cream (260-280 calories per pint), skinny girl pop corn.

    Dinner is usually egg whites and veggies and black beans. Sometimes with an egg.

    I'm not much of a cook. But I can make do! :smiley:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited June 2016
    I love PB & J but it doesn't have enough protein to satiate me for long. Frosted Flakes wouldn't keep me full for an hour.

    I see you're not a vegetarian. Eat more meat. You don't have to have traditional breakfast foods for breakfast. I have protein, fruit, and veggie smoothies.

    If you don't have a medical reason to track Sodium or Sugar, swap out one of them for Fiber and hit your target daily.

    Also, eat more fat. You can go over your fat target and still lose weight - it's total calories that matter for weight loss. Macros are important for satiety.
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    Agree with tracking fiber instead of sugar. Sugar is included already in carbs. Also, consider some of the macros that MFP gives you to be a goal to meet rather than a number to stay under. Especially for protein and fiber. That idea might be a different way of looking at it for some people. Carbs and calories are the only numbers I treat as maximums.
  • LERadicalDreamer
    LERadicalDreamer Posts: 61 Member
    Great idea on tracking fiber, I'll switch that up right now.

    I had two hard boiled eggs with a bit of sriracha and mustard for lunch, and a handful of baby carrots. I'm feeling more satiated than I normally do with PBJ, so this is a good thing! Also, it's fairly low on calories, so I'm going to see what I can do about a snack around 3pmish. I'm usually craving something sweet by then (hopefully this will just be a small craving, not the usual OMG GIMME OREOS) so I'll check where I am in nutrients and opt for a fruit or yogurt. Probably yogurt, because protein.

    Again, thank you all for your help, you're all fantastic!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Great idea on tracking fiber, I'll switch that up right now.

    I had two hard boiled eggs with a bit of sriracha and mustard for lunch, and a handful of baby carrots. I'm feeling more satiated than I normally do with PBJ, so this is a good thing! Also, it's fairly low on calories, so I'm going to see what I can do about a snack around 3pmish. I'm usually craving something sweet by then (hopefully this will just be a small craving, not the usual OMG GIMME OREOS) so I'll check where I am in nutrients and opt for a fruit or yogurt. Probably yogurt, because protein.

    Again, thank you all for your help, you're all fantastic!

    I found that yogurt made me hungry as an afternoon snack, but I switched to greek yogurt, and I found it more filling. Not sure if it's a mental thing, or if it's because of the extra protein. Cottage cheese is a good option as well.
  • BillMcKay1
    BillMcKay1 Posts: 315 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Great idea on tracking fiber, I'll switch that up right now.

    I had two hard boiled eggs with a bit of sriracha and mustard for lunch, and a handful of baby carrots. I'm feeling more satiated than I normally do with PBJ, so this is a good thing! Also, it's fairly low on calories, so I'm going to see what I can do about a snack around 3pmish. I'm usually craving something sweet by then (hopefully this will just be a small craving, not the usual OMG GIMME OREOS) so I'll check where I am in nutrients and opt for a fruit or yogurt. Probably yogurt, because protein.

    Again, thank you all for your help, you're all fantastic!

    I found that yogurt made me hungry as an afternoon snack, but I switched to greek yogurt, and I found it more filling. Not sure if it's a mental thing, or if it's because of the extra protein. Cottage cheese is a good option as well.

    One of my stand by snacks is cottage cheese and yogurt mixed together. Usually 100g of 2%MF cottage cheese with 100g of greek yogurt and maybe a few slices of strawberries or some blueberries. I put in a bit of splenda for sweetness. ~160cal snack that fills me up and hits the "Sweet" craving.

  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    akf2000 wrote: »
    I fill up on protein at breakfast and struggle to push my lunch down my gullet because I still feel so full.

    This - protein at breakfast and I'm still full by lunch. I like to do egg salad on a whole wheat bagel thin, but instead of mayo I use guacamole. Also for lunch, I like to keep a large bag of frozen broccoli around; you get a lot of volume for fewer calories and the fiber keeps you full, and since it's frozen you just throw it in the microwave for 5 minutes and it's ready.
  • blackaheep4288
    blackaheep4288 Posts: 41 Member
    Look up Kays naturals. They make some awesome low calorie protein chips, cookies, and pretzels(the pretzels suck imo). Coming in around 125 calories with 12 grams of protein make them a great snack!
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    No advice. Mom of three going through the same. I'm about ten lbs from my goal. Feel free to friend me for support. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,796 Member
    akf2000 wrote: »
    I fill up on protein at breakfast and struggle to push my lunch down my gullet because I still feel so full.

    This - protein at breakfast and I'm still full by lunch. I like to do egg salad on a whole wheat bagel thin, but instead of mayo I use guacamole. Also for lunch, I like to keep a large bag of frozen broccoli around; you get a lot of volume for fewer calories and the fiber keeps you full, and since it's frozen you just throw it in the microwave for 5 minutes and it's ready.

    Or make the egg salad with plain Greek yogurt instead of mayo. That's how I do deviled eggs, too. Tasty!

    (But then, I always have plain Greek yogurt in the fridge because I buy a big tub of it, use it to make salad dressing, using it in stuff like the eggs, add it to my oatmeal, mix it with PB2 peanut butter powder (especially the chocolate one) for snacks, eat it mixed with fresh fruit . . . .).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    ponycyndi wrote: »
    I'd change out PBJ at lunch for something else. That's more calorie dense than your mini wheats. And the peanut butter will counteract your fiber from breakfast. Try some veggies and protein instead.

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,016 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ponycyndi wrote: »
    I'd change out PBJ at lunch for something else. That's more calorie dense than your mini wheats. And the peanut butter will counteract your fiber from breakfast. Try some veggies and protein instead.


    I've been wondering about that too. @ponycyndi I've never heard this. Could you explain what you mean?
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    edited June 2016
    I like something like this: Scrambled eggs made with one whole egg plus 100g egg white (not as ick as just egg whites). Add 20g of shredded cheese, and melt. With a slice of Little Big Bread, which is thin sprouted grain bread, with 1 tsp real butter. Very filling for 282 calories.

    PS: my diary is open. I eat 5 times a day, with my last meal being around 6 p.m. My "go to" breakfast is a slice of Little Big Bread with once slice of full fat marble cheese and one fried egg on top. Only 205 calories, and packs protein, fiber and fat.