Vivosmart hr zero calorie issue

I'm walking an average of 10k steps daily, however although this is logged onto my fitness pal via my vivosmart I get no calorie burn credit? I have rest days where I don't go to the gym and my only exercise is walking - no credit. I get credit for cardio and running when at the gym but still no step credit?


  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    You have to enter it as an activity. Hit the button and then the first icon. You can choose running, cardio or other. Then when you're done, hit the button and the disk icon to save. If you're talking About just 10k steps throughout the day, these calories are factored into your mfp goals based on what you chose for you activity level and they won't show up as extra calories...
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    General daily steps are only added when you go above what MFP thinks you will do as set in your activity level. For sedentary this is about 3000 steps. After that you start earning extra.

    It will also not count any steps done during purposeful exercise. So say you have 10'000 steps on your Vivosmart but 5000 of those were from a run that you timed with your watch. That only leaves 5000 steps for day to day activity.