Running newbie - couch-to-5k, Haaaaaard!!



  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I'm at the end of week 2 of C25K, this information has been great!

    I run with my youngest dog, I have to talk to her, no yell at her often. Anyway I distance ride horses, jump horses, ride the posting trot for 30 minutes on horses non-stop, all hard work ... but absolutely nowhere near as difficult at running. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks I can walk faster than I'm running. All that aside I always feel amazing when I'm done mentally, physically I'm tired but not exhausted.

    During my run yesterday I had to significantly slow down because I could feel the heat off the asphalt on the path. I also have caught myself many times not breathing so I will definitely start counting as that is new information.

    bmckinneybc : I also used to catch myself not breathing or breathing irregularly! I wonder if that is a normal thing? You're the only person who has shared this aside from me.
  • bartonjack
    bartonjack Posts: 42 Member
    I did a program similar to what you are talking about last summer to get ready for a 4 mile run. Of course I had a history of running, but hadn't in a long time and was very out of shape. Yes, it is very hard and you indeed think you are going to die. Just hang in there and do the best you can. By the time the run arrived, I felt great and ran the fastest I had ever run a race. So, yes it is very hard, but the payoff is well worth it. I wish you well and God's speed.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I've run several 1/2 marathons and run an average of 20-25k per week and I agree with this. Short bursts are not only good for conditioning, they are great at teaching our muscles to run through the lactic acid build up and help the body run better under stress.

    Super interesting article in Runner's World on the usefulness of "tempo" runs (bursts of speed mixed with slower paces)

    I'm a diehard runner...have been for over 5 years now. It's hard. It's rewarding. Keep up the great progress!!!

    What you have described above in bold is not a tempo run. A tempo run is 20 to 40 minutes (occasionally more, but not often) of running at LT (Lactate Threshold) pace, which is the point at which your body can not keep up with the clearing of Lactate from the blood stream. A real world definition is the pace which you can sustain for about an hour. For slower runners, this might be 10K pace. For the faster runners, it closer to HM pace. Yes, tempo runs are good and should be a part of an aerobic conditioning program...just not in the beginning.

    What you described would be classified as either a fartlek run (if it's done with little structure during the course of a longer session), or strides or accelerations if done with structure and near the end of a longer run. These are essential elements as well, just not for the beginner.
  • suga1018
    suga1018 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone...I'm on week 2 day 3 and I've been wondering if I was just not cut out to run. I actually enjoy it, but I feel like I'm gonna die. My legs hurt!!! Definitely gonna keep going.
  • grannynickel
    grannynickel Posts: 48 Member
    EVERYTHING above is correct!. Slow down. Repeat days or weeks as needed. Get good running shoes fitted by a shoe expert. You will be surprised how fast you will progress once you stop killing yourself. Also, nobody is laughing at you. They are all thinking you are AWESOME!
  • FooteMommy
    FooteMommy Posts: 3 Member
    I was diagnosed with asthma as a child and had a nasty 20 year smoking habit; I will be smoke free for a year in 2 days and have been running for the last 7 months. I still have days where I cannot run non stop, and that is ok. If I am having problems breathing I slow down, focus on breathing in my nose and out my mouth and doing it in a controlled manner so I don't feel hindered even more so. I am not fast, my average pace is about 11:30, and I can't go far, only about 5.5, but I don't let it stop me. It has taken me so long to build up to it and it hasn't been easy, but I can look back and remember when I had just the goal of running for 30 seconds and now I can run for a little more then and hour. Don't give up just because some days are harder to breath. Also, not sure where you live, but I find it much easier to breath in the winter then in the summer because the hot air makes my lungs hurt so bad it can quickly reduce me to tears and make me dizzy.
  • FooteMommy
    FooteMommy Posts: 3 Member
    OP here! Did my Week 4, Day 3 of C25K this morning and I took the advice that was given here about _slowing down_. It changed by overall pace to a 13.9 min/mile, completed the intervals doing 1.61 miles in 21:30. But the good thing is - I didn't have to switch to walking in any of my run intervals!!!! :bigsmile: First time ever was able to run BOTH 5min run intervals without changing to walking!!!

    I guess to build up my endurance the trick is to slow it down - which seems a bit backward when thought about, but hey if that is what works, I'll do it!

    Thanks everyone!

    Very Nice :) Keep up the good work of slowing it down and building it up. :)
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    OP here! Did my Week 4, Day 3 of C25K this morning and I took the advice that was given here about _slowing down_. It changed by overall pace to a 13.9 min/mile, completed the intervals doing 1.61 miles in 21:30. But the good thing is - I didn't have to switch to walking in any of my run intervals!!!! :bigsmile: First time ever was able to run BOTH 5min run intervals without changing to walking!!!

    I guess to build up my endurance the trick is to slow it down - which seems a bit backward when thought about, but hey if that is what works, I'll do it!

    Thanks everyone!

  • Lpeterson189
    Lpeterson189 Posts: 31 Member
    OP reporting in with an update on her running!

    did C25k Week 5 Day 3 this morning, which was daunting in that it was the 5 min warm up and cool down, but instead of 2-3 runs broken up by some walking it was a straight _20 minute run_!!!!!!!!!!


    I DID IT!!! I've never run (and by run, I mean jog) that long/far in my LIFE! I kept it slow, managed my breathing and I ran 1.6miles in 20 minutes! :bigsmile: So freakin' proud of myself. Feel so ready to continue on the C25K and go for that 5K in August with my friend.

    Thanks everyone for your support and advice ^_^ You're all AWESOME!
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    OP reporting in with an update on her running!

    did C25k Week 5 Day 3 this morning, which was daunting in that it was the 5 min warm up and cool down, but instead of 2-3 runs broken up by some walking it was a straight _20 minute run_!!!!!!!!!!


    I DID IT!!! I've never run (and by run, I mean jog) that long/far in my LIFE! I kept it slow, managed my breathing and I ran 1.6miles in 20 minutes! :bigsmile: So freakin' proud of myself. Feel so ready to continue on the C25K and go for that 5K in August with my friend.

    Thanks everyone for your support and advice ^_^ You're all AWESOME!

    YAY! Congratulations!!! :bigsmile:
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I just graduated from the Zen Labs C25K app. In eight weeks I went from BARELY being able to run 60 seconds at a time to being able to run for 30 minutes straight. I can't even tell you how amazed I am that it really worked.

    Follow the program, take as much time as you need to complete a week - if you want to repeat the week, do it. Slow down when you are feeling like you can't keep going - there is no shame in going really slowly, especially at first. Keep the faith because you can totally do it.

    I hadn't run in about a decade, and I used to really love it. I started running when I was 190+ pounds and seriously wasn't sure that I could really do it. You know what? I *can* do it, I *am* doing it and I am feeling really great about it.
  • Melissa999999
    Melissa999999 Posts: 48 Member
    I have tried to do the C25K but was unable to even complete day one. Now after reading the posts here, I figured out what my issue was. I was trying to walk to fast and jog to fast. I am going to start it again tomorrow and not give up this time. Thanks to the OP for this post and thanks all for the great advise.
  • downeyek
    downeyek Posts: 41 Member
    I know you probably think (at least I did) that running means running like your being chased by an axe murdering clown...well it doesnt. Slow it down and run at a pace where you could still talk without dying. I've been running for a year and a half and I still have to force myself to slow down an realize I don't have to be at my all out pace to run.

    This actually made me laugh out loud. I agree. Completely.
  • Melissa999999
    Melissa999999 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm so glad I read this thread. I started on Monday and have week one days one and two done! Thanks for the wonderful advice!
  • Lpeterson189
    Lpeterson189 Posts: 31 Member
    OP check in again!

    I cant believe it!!! Monday I actually ran for 2 miles straight!!! ^_^ And in under 25 minutes :happy: Never thought I could do that.

    Whenever I felt myself start to gasp, I slowed it down until I wasn't.

    WOOT! 5k in 3 weeks here I come!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    OP check in again!

    I cant believe it!!! Monday I actually ran for 2 miles straight!!! ^_^ And in under 25 minutes :happy: Never thought I could do that.

    Whenever I felt myself start to gasp, I slowed it down until I wasn't.

    WOOT! 5k in 3 weeks here I come!
    That's so awesome, congratulations! And thanks so much for coming back to us, it's lovely to hear when advice worked!

    Looking forward to your race report soon!
  • bdhcraniford
    bdhcraniford Posts: 2 Member
    Slow down and repeat a week if you find it will eventually build endurance but do it at our pace!
  • Teele86
    Teele86 Posts: 23 Member
    I went for a run with my sister and we were able to talk the whole way (breathlessly but still understandable) and we were able to run for 7k easily! (we are at the end of the C25K program. Keep it slow and steady!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Slow down the run sections to the point that you aren't gasping. I mean slow down a lot, then slow down some more. If it's a shuffle, that's fine. Slow down.

    ^^^^ This

    When I started running I could barely get around the block and very gradually built up time and distances.

    Persistence and patience are your friends.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I stopped for over a year- Gah-
    was doing 5km in 26 mins- on treadmill ( easier), but would like to begin again.

    Day 1 today. I suck!

    I find it really hard not to run in time with the beat of my songs, so for example when " American Idiot" by Green Day came on I was running faster than a newbie should.
    I have no plan- just run one song walk the next.... is this bad?
    Does anyone have a decent sound track that fits with a c25k android program?

    I'm loving this thread - Runners I salute you!