Hello everyone!

TheKevinFang Posts: 3 Member
edited June 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi forumers,

I'm currently nearly a year into my weight loss journey, and I'm using myfitnesspal to increase consistency, as my weight loss has always fluctuated. I weighed around 94kg at 14, and last August I weighed 88kg.

I'm a 17 year old 5'11 male and now weigh 161lbs/73kg in the morning. I am East Asian and have a very small frame size (5.5-6 inch wrists) and I'm looking to lose around 3-5 more kg. I am lucky to have a fairly fast metabolism, and I'm eating around 1600-1700 calories during intermittent fasting days, and less than 2000 calories during school days.

Thanks for reading, and my advice would be to keep going, no matter what the number on the scale says!