In Honor of the Cheat Day

johnnykearns Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2016 in Food and Nutrition
So yesterday was my brother's birthday and I pretty much went in, had almost a full rack of ribs, a loaded baked potato, nachos, etc. etc. all in all ate about 5,000 calories. I fell asleep soon after eating at 6 pm and just woke up at 8:30 am, 14.5 hours of sleep, lol. Still feeling pretty lean and think I'm gonna hit the gym like a monster today. I'm also ravenously hungry and it's real hunger. I feel like I just hibernated lol. Posted this cause despite the cheat day I'm feeling good and positive about myself and although I have a little bit of a lazy thinking process going on in my head, I'm saying screw those bad thoughts and moving on. What are you guys' thoughts on huge cheat days and how do you all normally feel after?


  • kanaada
    kanaada Posts: 57 Member
    Guilt will be the first feeling that comes after my cheat day thinking of all the negative things like how I screwed up my diet and all ☹️ but I guess I can never give up on cheat days I will just probably moderate the level of the cheat haha! Let's get over this together and start afresh!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I don't do cheat days. I fit the foods I love into my weekly goals. For special occasions (birthdays and holidays) I might not worry so much about my goal, but I don't go overboard.