Working mom of 4 looking for accountability

I'm a mom of 4 kids and work full time. I've been using MFP to log meals intermittently since December and my weight has crept up to an all time high. My clothes are tight and I am uncomfortable in my own skin. I would like to lose about 15 pounds. I'm looking for some online friends and accountability. I would appreciate support from anyone, but I'm specifically looking for advice from working parents who can help me with strategies to be active and provide healthy meals/snacks for me and my family.


  • jenhutch1
    jenhutch1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Andrea, I know how challenging it is to get healthy meals on the go can be. Feeding healthy foods to my family and setting a good example of eating right, has always been a priority for me. The best advice I can give is to prep ahead of time and always pack a cooler. My children are out of the house now. Honestly, if they were still at home I wouldn't be able to take the time to try to help others with a good eating strategy. Planning and preparing healthy food for ourselves and our families is time consuming. No way to get around it. I'll try to give you 3 ideas when I can. We'll see how that goes. 1. Cooked chicken breast: I always have this on hand. Great for making salads for lunch for myself and my husband. You can make them the night before. Finish the salad with fresh lemon and pepper. That keeps it fresh overnight and you can even get away with no dressing. 2. Green apples: I aways have small green apples with me. If you prefer them sliced, add lemon juice so they stay fresher. 3. Raw almonds or walnuts. They go great with your apples, they are great to top salads with, and help you feel more satisfied. Although they are high in calories and fat, as long as you stay within the serving size, they will be a great tool for success. I find I get the satisfaction from the crunch, and the healthy fat, so I can resist carb snacks. Hope this helps.
  • andrea_nichol
    andrea_nichol Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks! This is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for! I do try to meal plan, but I'm trying to transition from what is easy (pizza) to what is healthy and I don't want to have to prepare one thing for me and something else for my family.