Gym classes - are they worth it?



  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    I highly recommend spinning or other cycling classes! They are a great workout and you can always go at your own pace since it is dark. I like that I have to fit it in my schedule. If I know cycling is at 5, then I'll be there as opposed to just going to the gym to run where I can go anytime. Then it turns into "oh I'll go in a little bit" and then I'm on the couch watching Netflix and going to bed. The classes definitely help me get to the gym!
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 346 Member
    cecsav1 wrote: »
    You might enjoy them. You'll never know unless you try :)
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Definitely try them and go at your own pace - what do you have to lose?
    Thowe92 wrote: »
    Since they're free I'd say why not. You may learn something useful and enjoy them. Triple whammy!
    Thowe92 wrote: »
    Since they're free I'd say why not. You may learn something useful and enjoy them. Triple whammy!

    Exactly- you are already paying for them as part of your gym membership, might as well go and try any that sound interesting.
    If they are free. Go for it. I love them ;)

    What they said!!

    I have found classes I love, classes I don't care for, & classes ok for killing some time. Give them a go. Why not?
  • BigAnnieG
    BigAnnieG Posts: 89 Member
    I agree - classes give an accountability that makes you more inclined to stick to your scheduled gym time and also less likely to bail out halfway through.

    try lots of different ones, the fact you can get such variety in classes means you'll keep motivated and challenged.

    A word on the bailing out: it is ok to do it if you need to! Only today I went to my first boxercise class, advertised as great cardio for all fitness levels. It was actually a contact class with partner sparring... I had to stop ten minutes from the end as all that punching made my arthritic hands scream for mercy!! I expected a non contact class because of how it was advertised-so the lesson here is twofold: 1) it is ok to bail if your body is forcing you to and 2) tell the instructor beforehand if you have any health challenges!

    Also, they are way more sociable than going to work out in the gym so you're likely to meet even just some friendly faces to say hi to on the regular.

    Enjoy the adventure of finding your favourite classes :-)
  • sweetpea813
    sweetpea813 Posts: 112 Member
    I work a lot harder when I am in a class. If I just go to the gym, I'll sit on a recumbent bike and watch Netflix and barely break a sweat. I do better in the group classes or exercising with someone.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Depends on you...I loath most of those classes...the only class I like is spin and yoga.
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    I love some classes (Zumba, kickboxing, yoga) and hate others (BodyPump, step.) You'll never know until you try!