What has helped you the most while trying to lose weight ??



  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited June 2016
    Facing the fact that I can't make anymore excuses. Life is life. We deal with it. Hurting myself and overeating is temporary but the healthy me is going to be for the rest of my life. You can't build a house of a lifetime if your foundation isn't solid.

    Logging in REALLY helps me be accountable and making the right choices. I know, for me, I can't say, "Oh just one chip or one small piece of cake won't hurt." For me, that's like a drug for a drug addict. If I "JUST SAY NO!", I know I'm re-training my behavior for a healthier lifestyle.
  • ukexplorer
    ukexplorer Posts: 380 Member
    Tell you something, 4 days ago I had never logged a single meal, drink, snack etc... I'm hooked already, it helps so much to understand what's going in and whats needed to achieve each day. I'm understanding so much more in a short space, I recon this place and seeing how you guys and girls motivate and support each is my answer already.
    I was no stranger to the gym or food but had very little idea how to plan and record anything.
    Long may it last
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    1. Logging everything. And that includes the beer and pizza as well as the broccoli.
    2. Weighing daily and putting the results into a spreadsheet so I can watch the trend graph going downwards.
    3. Setting small incremental goals and getting a smiley face on my spreadsheet when I reach them (I'm such a numbers nerd).
    4. Joining the FitBit revolution. As I said I'm a numbers nerd and I love all the data I get from my FitBit.
    5. Getting back into running - I love my cardio, but I know I should try and add some strength training too.
    6. Knowing I don't need to cut anything completely from my diet. If I want pizza or ice-cream, I can have it as long as it fits into my daily calorie allowance.
    7. Understanding that slow and steady wins the race.

    And I must be doing something right, because I'm 25lbs down since I started on January 1st.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    What has been the biggest thing that helped you lose the weight ?????

    Replacing all carbs over 50 grams daily with fats but leaving the protein about the same.