****200lbs+ Club Looking to loose over 75lbs+ Join the Forum***

dgeames Posts: 19 Member
Hello All!! My name is Dani, and I am somewhat new to MFP. I used it 3 years ago and lost over 40lbs. And when the weight came off I stopped. Needless to say I was unable to keep up with my weightless journey. However today is a new day. I am currently 5'7 and 328.lbs. I created this forum for people who need the extra push with motivation and tips on weight loss, food prep or to even just add a friend to hold each other accountable. Feel free to add me as a friend and embark on the journey together to a healthier lifestyle! :) Feel free to comment below and share


  • jubinahdi
    jubinahdi Posts: 24 Member
    Well, I use Kg instead of the lb but roughly I'm going to lose 80 lb. I used the Canadian diet and lost 12 lb in a week. It's great, and I recently added some workouts to my plate. I think I'm gonna make that Canadian diet as my lifestyle when I reach my desired weight. Feel free to add me is you want a friend in your weight loss journey.
  • vangoghdelaney
    vangoghdelaney Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'5 and 243 lbs. I stopped as well, six months ago, because I'm getting quite confident! Right now I am clean eating (what I can) and walking.
  • dgeames
    dgeames Posts: 19 Member
    @jubinahdi. Wow 12 lbs in one week! Thats amazing! what does the Canadian diet consist of?

    @vangoghdelaney. Thats awesome. whats your goal weight? I stopped almost three years ago. And everyday is a challenge getting back into the long journey of weight loss.
  • shay_773
    shay_773 Posts: 5 Member
    5'8 275 starting over
  • MaggieMay419
    MaggieMay419 Posts: 18 Member
    Back at it again. 5'5 and 209. Hoping to stick with it this time. Starting over is so hard!
  • michellealves90
    michellealves90 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm 5'7 and weigh 240. Wanting to lose 90 lbs to get to my goal weight of 150. Long long road ahead
  • topathemorning
    topathemorning Posts: 346 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm 5'9" here, started last summer at 278, and currently am at 236 and am on a downward trend. Slowly but surely, I'm following a diabetes diet (type 2, diagnosed in Feb '16). My motivation is to keep those blood sugar and scale numbers down! The journey from Obesity level 3 to Obe1 (Kanobe) has been real. My new goal is to become overweight.

    An early happy birthday to Nachise, and will raise a water bottle to you as we hit the water for many more laps this year. In my 60's as well!

    Let's dance, swim and eat our way to better health!

  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    back again at 204... please feel free to add me!
  • JRae013
    JRae013 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm starting over again as well at 295. Please feel free to add me.
  • buggish
    buggish Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. First day back at after several years. I'm 5'10 and 290lbs. I'm currently the heaviest I've ever been. My long term goal is to get back to 190lbs(or less!) as I was 7 years ago before being diagnosed with PCOS. My main goal is to be more healthy and to hopefully be able to have a child. We are on a budget so I can't join a gym. I've been walking outside and jogging in my house(not confident enough to jog outside). My husband is supportive of my walking but not so much with diet.
  • Joyful_B
    Joyful_B Posts: 31 Member
    Officially starting this journey over for the last time as I've gained back everything I lost. I'm 5'7" 235lbs - Feel free to add me