Is anyone here on New Directions products?

I have been on the the VLCD for a little over 2 months. Everything has been going well and I have lost 28 lbs. Just about a few days ago I started getting stomach pain and feeling bloated. I stopped taking them and ate regular food and noticed I was still bloated. So, I tried another shake and again the pain and bloating. Anyone else experience any pain or bloating after consuming these products?


  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    Mention this symptom to your doctor.

    Looking at the ingredients to some of the shakes, I see that whey protein is a primary ingredient. I have a dairy allergy and some of my symptoms are pain and bloating.
  • ssanjose0916
    ssanjose0916 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks! I will call my doctor tomorrow. Could someone develop an intolerance to something in the product over time?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    New allergies can develop at any time. If it's a very low calorie diet though, you could be experiencing other issues. See your doctor, and ask for a referral to a registered dietician. Get some professional guidance.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    edited June 2016
    No, why?
  • ssanjose0916
    ssanjose0916 Posts: 5 Member
    I am on a very low calorie diet and am being monitored by a team of coaches dieticians and drs. I was sent to get an ultrasound done. Found out I have gallstones. :(