I'm new

Just want to try this message board to get more encouragement for losing 40 pounds. Being that I live in Phoenix, it is hard to get outside in this ungodly heat. I do go to the YMCA every 3 - 4 days a week. When I was younger, I didn't have problems with aches and pains, but if I do too much at the gym (no matter what it is) I am finding that something gets pulled or injured. It stinks to get old. With me saying that, you might think that I am really out of shape, but not true. I weed my 2 acre lot, I never sit down - except to eat, go to the restroom, and to get on the computer to do messaging. If I am not at the gym, I am cleaning something around the house. In fact, my family and friends say I need to sit down once in awhile. I am not a TV watcher except for Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and the news at night or early evening. Otherwise, the TV stays off.
During my younger days, I played all sports. Soccer was my favorite and I played it for 20 years. This gives you an idea of how active I was and why I now have injuries that stop me from doing a lot of intense workouts.
When I go to the gym, I do the circuit with the machines that work your whole body. Then I get on the bicycle for 30 to 50 minutes. If I do much more than 50 minutes, my hips hurt. I might be getting arthritis. The stepper makes it unbearable and the treadmill is okay as long as I don't do it for that long or fast.
When it is nicer weather, you see me outside all of the time. I love to hike and I mean long hikes. I am not making excuses. I am just saying that moderate exercise for me at this point is best. My first week here at myfitnesspal.com I did lose 2 pounds and I am proud of that. I did go to the gym 4 times this first week. I do have a swollen left knee after the second day at the gym. I will not give up, but wondered if anyone else was like this with the aches and pains.
Swimming seems to work well, but I am allergic to the chlorine in the water because I get a rash. In fact, the doctor has given me some rash cream to get rid of it from Father's Day swim. Too bad because I LOVE to swim.
Yep, it is not fun getting old. I am NOT giving up, though. I just need the encouragement to keep eating right. We do go out to eat at least once a week. I am starting to believe that salads have way too many calories in them. Oreganos is my favorite salad place and I share a salad with my husband. How can one salad have 1203 calories in it? Any suggestions for those that go there.
Sorry for the long email. I just wanted to introduce myself along with the exercise problems. This is my morning time at the computer. Now it is time to prepare for the gym to lose another 2 pounds this week.