Ready set go!!

So back around March. I had enough. Completely fed up and disgusted with myself after my 3rd pregnancy. I didn't want pictures to be taken I was just disgusted. I lost my sense of self love and worth.

So, I gave myself a good stare and said the only one who can change this is YOU!! So I know couple of people who have been successful using myfitnesspal and it was free easy to use and easily accessible. So I hopped on. I was doing so good.

My sister who is an advocare advocate and distributor has tried for so long to get me to use her products and they were just too expensive for my budget.

So I really did want to make a point to her that just because you cant afford these products does not mean I can't succeed or make a change which many of her comments made me feel like these products were the only option. So on the day her group challenge started I began my journey.

Well I exceeded the success of her challengers. Most did lose 10-15 lbs. However, I lost a whoping 23lbs. In 21days. I ate between 1200-1500 cal, drank a ton of water and exercised 4-5 days a week. Every break I had from work I was doing squats. Walked on my lunch breaks.

I felt good and people were giving me compliments my clothing was fitting better.

Then I slipped off. I don't know if I just became tired but the motivation went away. I have since gained 7 of those lbs back :'( slowly however, not being mindful at all of what I was eating.

I am on it again. I started and I am not going to stop. I want to lose a good 40lbs by next year. Ideally I would like to lose 70lb however, I do not want to set the bar high and set myself up for disappointment. Small goals first right?

So I just wanted to introduce myself again. I will be taking before and after photos. Feel free to friend me as it would be nice to have some support.

Good luck to all who has started and on their journey to a better you!!!