How do you typically break up your calorie allowance



  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    I try not to go over 300 calories for breakfast, use just under half of what's left after that for lunch and save the rest for dinner. then if dinner ends up being something lower in calories I'll have however much dessert I can fit in with however many calories are left.
  • ejb499
    ejb499 Posts: 53 Member
    2000 calories per day

    Breakfast: 350-400
    Lunch: 300-400
    Dinner: 800-1000
    Snacks: 200-400
  • adoette
    adoette Posts: 181 Member
    The only time I ever bother with timing my calories is on a work day.

    Meal 1- 600 ish
    Early snack: 150
    Late snack: 150
    Meal 2-3 even split of leftovers or one is skippped.

    I often end the day with a bit leftover and I like to use it for a pat on the back well done for not murdering anyone snack. Which is usually peanut butter on bread. Yum
  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    breakfast 400
    snack 250
    snack 250
    dinner 600
    snack 250
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Meal 1 300-400
    Meal 2 400-600
    Snacks, etc 400+
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Lately it's been something like this:
    Breakfast: 400
    Lunch: 500
    Snack: 200
    Dinner: 1200
    Dessert: 400
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Morning Coffee - sometimes black, sometimes 30 calories

    Meal 1 (mid-day) - 500ish

    Meal 2 (evening) - 750ish
  • WJS_jeepster
    WJS_jeepster Posts: 224 Member
    laur357 wrote: »
    Morning Coffee - sometimes black, sometimes 30 calories

    Meal 1 (mid-day) - 500ish

    Meal 2 (evening) - 750ish

    almost exactly what I do! I try to push lunch to 1:00 pm or so and then dinner around 6:00. If I have some exercise calories to eat back, I try to have around 900-1000 for dinner.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Breakfast 200
    Lunch 800
    Afternoon snack 200
    Dinner none
  • jorae08
    jorae08 Posts: 13 Member
    Breakfast: 300
    Snack: 200
    Lunch: 400
    Snack: 100
    Dinner:400-600 *depending on my activity for the day, more activity makes me hunnnnnnngry!*

    My goal is about 1400cal/day
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Roughly: morning, 750. Evening, 700-1000, depending upon the day.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I didn't make a rule about it but this is how my meals usually work out.
    Breakfast- 200-300
    Lunch- 300-500
    Dinner- 500-600
    Snacks- 100-300
    My goal is 1200 calories and I eat a portion of exercise calories.

  • willworkoutforwine
    willworkoutforwine Posts: 64 Member
    My goal is 1500/day on a sedentary day:

    Breakfast: 150-200
    Snack: 100
    Lunch: 500
    Dinner: 600
    Snack: 100-150

    If I want a bigger dinner, I'll exercise and/or skip my evening snack.
  • Intentional_Me
    Intentional_Me Posts: 336 Member
    All depends on the day but I tend to do this

    Breakfast: 0
    Lunch: 500 or less
    Dinner: 500 or less
    Snacks: 400 to spend from 12p-10p
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I do break up meals mostly, but there are times I just do a boatload of calories in one meal, like a big breakfast, then eat whatever is left at the end of the day.
  • brrrrito
    brrrrito Posts: 39 Member
    i eat 1200.
    breakfast - under/around 200, usually over night oats
    lunch and afternoon snack - usually around 300 - 400, usually a half sandwich and lots of raw veggies (i need variety/volume)
    dinner - 400 to 500 - usually a 'regular' dinner meal as my boyfriend isn't dieting
    snack - whatever's left!
  • OdditiesAbound
    OdditiesAbound Posts: 14 Member
    I tend to be busy all day at work and not really think about being hungry unless I'm stuck in meetings all day and bored, and even then I'm stuck and can't do much about it. And then at home when I have more free time to think about it, I get ravenously hungry, so I usually save the bulk of my calories for dinner/evening snacks.

    I have a 1600 daily budget, so it's usually like this:
    Breakfast- 140 calorie granola bar
    Lunch - 450 calorie sack lunch (sandwich, apple, grapes, cheese stick, etc.)
    Dinner - ~800-850 for a usual dinner

    The remaining 150-200 are used for small snacks if I'm still munchy after a few hours, or I "bank" them in case I get a little carried away during the weekend.

    It makes it so I can have a bag of popcorn and an apple in the evening if I feel like it, and the couple of nights I don't feel like it means I can go a hundred or so calories over on Sat/Sun and not feel bad about it, because I know I'm still in my weekly deficit.

    It's been working out well for me, I don't ever really feel deprived.
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    Breakfast: 250 (cereal or oatmeal with fruit and soymilk)
    Mid-morning snack: 100
    Lunch: 300
    Afternoon snack: 100
    Supper + dessert: 450

    Total calories: 1,200
    I occasionally will eat back 100 - 150 of my exercise calories in the evening
  • idrinkalotofwater
    idrinkalotofwater Posts: 251 Member
    Breakfast: 80

    Lunch: 700

    Dinner: 400
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    Mine is different everyday, it depends on what I'm eating and when I'm hungry.