Add me! Always looking for friends

My name is Stephanie. I have been in here for a while. Just recently started lifting so would friends for support and advice!


  • qaiserelahi992
    qaiserelahi992 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Stephanie, I have re-joined after a gap of 2 months and is looking for friends for motivation. Please feel free to add me. I had lost around 13 kgs earlier due to some motivation from friends here.
  • Izc1
    Izc1 Posts: 20 Member
    Sbaxter45 nice to meet you! I've just joined and have recently started working out again about 4 weeks ago...
  • Cryptic10
    Cryptic10 Posts: 25 Member
    Back on MFP.. Would love some new friends
  • Amrik10
    Amrik10 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Stephanie I have been on here for nearly 3wks. Feel free to add me. We are all trying to help one another to get to our goal and with friends and supports it makes it easier.
  • 2metraninja
    2metraninja Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Stephanie, I am new to here and also doing some lifting, been reading a lot about it lately too, so I can be of some help I hope. Add me if you want. This same goes to anyone else.
  • allieparkia
    allieparkia Posts: 304 Member
    Feel free to add me, always nice to have new friends!
  • andrewelderjr
    andrewelderjr Posts: 4 Member
    Don't be scared to lift! It's the best way to ensure you don't just "get skinny" but get HEALTHY! And you won't get bulky unless that's your goal. I'm new to MFP, but an old friend of strength training. Running and I had to break up...