will i lose weight? or will my body go into starvation mode?



  • dbashby
    dbashby Posts: 44 Member
    edited June 2016
    The best article I've seen on starvation mode. http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/starvation-mode/
    I should warn you it won't be what you want to hear.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You could potentially go into a starvation mode if you stay under 800 calories for a prolonged period of time. Look at HCG diet which asked people to eat 500 calories with some bogus claims of a hormone in the supplements which supposedly would help prevent starvation mode. It has been exposed that the hormone did nothing and it would have even been hard to find any traces of it in the supplements promoted. But people did lose weight and granted some suffered from prolonged 500 calorie diet (think not being able to start their metabolism and gaining weight on even small amounts of food ). That makes me think that doing even 500 calories for a month or so would probably not have long term side effects. However it can still make you feel weak, irritable, headaches and so on so on.

    no you can't.

    Adaptive thermogenisis maybe aka lower metabolism.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Starvation happens when you don't eat enough calories to maintain health. When starving, you lose weight, both muscle and fat. When starving, the end of starvation is death.

    Starvation mode is a myth, namely, that you won't lose weight because you're not eating enough. That is back assward hogwash. It is the result of socially politely believing people who say they are eating very little and still gaining weight. The fact is that if they are gaining weight they are eating too much. That, and they are falsely presenting their food eating history.

    In your own case @amouraa2016 , you've gotten good advice from those above with thousands of posts under their name. Heed it. Your life will be better that way.