What do people buy and eat to get through a low calorie day?

Lovastatin Posts: 9 Member
I have been eating fish almost every other day for dinner & every day I mix up chopped zucchini, tomato, green onion, barley, & hard boiled egg slices with a little low calorie dressing. Oftentimes I cook brussel sprouts or zuchinni (with garlic) with the fish. For sweets I eat yogurt, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches (100 calories) & Aldi has a terrific low calorie fudgicle which I think is 100 calories. I eat some ground beef, usually in vegetable laden skillets that I make up. I still enjoy my large McDonald's coffee with 4 creams every morning but it seems to pep me up. I sometimes eat the low calorie meal & snack bars from Aldi. Otherwise I drink diet pop, tea, & water. I am getting tired of eating the same foods but will eventually change to a low carb diet when I am just tired of my low cal diet. So have people been eating?


  • Lovastatin
    Lovastatin Posts: 9 Member
    I meant to say what have people been eating!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Look at my food diary. I have the same thing mostly for breakfast with stuff sauteed and wrapped in a tortilla. The ricotta is for getting some fat, and when that runs out I'll use avocado until I get tired of paying for it. The lunch is stuff that the workplace provides. The dinner is generally the same. I alternate between pork, beef, salmon, shrimp, and chicken for a meat, and I vary the vegetables as one gets used up.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    My diary is open too
  • Lovastatin
    Lovastatin Posts: 9 Member
    Wow. I cannot believe the speedy replies. (Are you real people I hope!) I am going to review what you both have been eating. Thank you so much. It is nice to not feel so alone in my weight loss journey. I figured that I would add foods on to this discussion as I discover new low calorie foods that I can eat.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I don't eat low fat, my macros are evenly split. I eat everything in moderation.
  • banannerbelle
    banannerbelle Posts: 17 Member
    Egg whites! I love omelets with 1 egg and 4-6 oz. egg whites, sauteed veggies or broccoli, salsa, and sometimes cheese. I usually pair this with a sweet potato for breakfast. Or lunch or dinner, sometimes even multiple times a day- I love 'em! Also great for making low calorie, high-protein wraps and baked goods, and custard or pudding!
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    edited June 2016
    1 egg with 1/4c egg whites w turkey sausage is my go to breakfast. Lots of chicken! I bake a few breasts and thighs in the oven and then shred it all up and measure it out to 4oz portions for the week. Find a low calories dressing you like and have salads. I rotate the protein w the salad.... Hard boiled eggs, chicken, etc
  • PintsizedPunky
    PintsizedPunky Posts: 22 Member
    Food. You're welcome.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Kale and spinach salad with low fat dressing.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    On low calorie days, I wouldn't be able to waste any calorie on ice cream or cream in my coffee. Just no way. It would have to be lots of lean protein, beans, veggies, maybe a couple servings of fruit, and fat free dairy.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    spaghetti squash!!! very versatile and you can keep it low calorie but it's super filling, add a bit of pasta sauce and some other veggies and you have a great low cal pasta.
  • Barrett9835
    Barrett9835 Posts: 134 Member
    I eat almost the same thing each day. A banana for breakfast, Greek yogurt for lunch, normal size portion for dinner and then I allow myself a snack at night. I do not believe in low fat foods as they tend to substitute for extra sugar.....as long as you eat in moderation, moderate portions you will lose the weight!
  • BeverlyMarsh1986
    BeverlyMarsh1986 Posts: 72 Member
    This is my favorite salad; it's so good it's almost a treat! Sorry, the website isn't quite finished: http://mealblender.com/amazing-tuna-salad-with-lettuce-no-mayo/
  • cgonsalves21
    cgonsalves21 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2016
    My diet varies according to my work and school schedule but my favorite go to items that you can either toss in a salad, wrap in a gluten free tortilla/corn tortilla or eat by itself are:
    -Lean ground turkey seasoned with Mrs dash no salt, 1 can green Ortega chili's and some garlic.
    -Grilled Boneless Skinless chicken breast season with Mrs dash
    -sliced zucchini and/or squash
    -cubed melon
    Diced sweet potatoe with hot sauce (great before a work out)
    For snacks I eat:
    -Greek Yogurt
    -unsalted almonds or cashews
    -Fruit - banana, apole, grapes, berries
    -Fiber one bars
    -carrots and hummus
    - cucumber and tbsp of avacado cilantro yogurt dressing (try it, it's amazing)

    For dinner if I have chicken or ground turkey made I will usually eat them in a salad or by itself because I don't eat any carbs before bed. If i don't have anything made i will buy a rotisserie chicken at the store and side salad or go to Quiznos and buy a southwest chicken wrap no cheese, tortilla strips and light sauce for a lower cal meal. Hope this helps
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    I rarely repeat types of food, but I have a structure that goes something like this:

    Breakfast, ~250 calories:
    Quest bar

    Meal A, ~400 calories, pick one of these:
    -Salad: leafy green base, lean meat, rainbow of fruits and vegetables, sunflower kernels, sprinkling of cheese, 1-2 tsp dressing
    -Grilled meat (not always lean), large serving of veggies roasted in olive oil
    -Meat and veggie stir-fry, no rice
    -Some other high protein, high fiber combo with moderate fat and little to no starchy carbs

    Meal B, ~550 calories, pick one of these:
    -Stir fry over rice or noodles
    -2 oz pasta with chicken and veggies
    -Turkey sandwich
    -Curry over rice
    -Pork tenderloin tacos
    -Mexican-style chicken with beans and corn smothered in cheese
    -Soup w/ sausage, spinach, tomatoes, and cannellini beans
    -Some other balanced meal with protein, veggies, starchy carbs, and moderate fat

    That gets me to 1200.

    I'm shooting for 1400 net, so I fill in the rest with snacks, which might be nuts or more fruit, or a glass of wine and a piece of chocolate, or a serving of ice cream. If I didn't have the 200+ calories to spend on snacks, I'd leave those out, and I'd avoid drinking my calories at all costs.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    edited June 2016
    Suppose I'm saving up calories for a big party or something, I'll rely a lot on eggs and whole grains, so I might have a fried egg on wholemeal toast for breakfast, maybe an omelette for lunch, and if I'm really going low cal I'll have soup or beans for tea with wholemeal bread. I'll avoid anything sugary or anything that qualifies as a treat, and drink water and herbal tea.

    That is tolerable for a day if I have some big blow out to look forward to, but it's not sustainable over the long term - it's basically a low grade fast and very much temporary.

    On a normal day I eat normal food and just keep an eye on portions and exercise restraint over treats - no weird diet behaviour. I do eat a higher proportion of fruit, veg and whole grains, and fewer treats, than when I wasn't trying to lose weight.
  • Lovastatin
    Lovastatin Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to all for the speedy sharing of great ideas. I am off to Aldi today to buy what I need to prepare some of them. They do not carry the ingredients for all of them but it is a good start. I am just watching the calories at this point as I only joined on 6/24/16 but I do realize that in time I am going to have to watch the carbs, sugar, & fat too. I had to look up "macros" in the dictionary! I am overwhelmed & at the same time humbled by the response.
  • rsleighty
    rsleighty Posts: 214 Member
    My diary is open.
  • rosecropper
    rosecropper Posts: 340 Member
    I shop at aldi too. Love their fresh veg & fruit, 35 calorie wheat bread, natural peanut butter, low sugar preserves, whole wheat pasta, natural marinara sauce, pre-sliced cheeses, Greek yogurt, hummus, frozen veggie pizzas, veggie burgers, low cal salad dressing, popcorn, masa, grains & beans.
    Even though aldi has super yummy snack foods, I avoid buying them. If there's sweets or chips in the house, I'll stay up late eating till it's all gone!
    Best of luck on your health journey. Just keep making positive changes to your daily life and soon you'll be feeling so much better!
  • Lovastatin
    Lovastatin Posts: 9 Member

    rsleighty wrote: »
    My diary is open.

    How are you cooking those red beans that I see in your diary?