counting fresh fruit calories..

I eat lots of fresh fruit at night and I have done this for the past couple years actually. Anyways, at a dentist appointment the other day the dental assistant was talking to me about weight loss and she said that she started a popular program you pay for , not sure if I can say it or not but initials being (WW). Anyways she said she doesn't eat after a certain time in the evening and I told her that I do and that I load up on fresh fruit. She said something very interesting to me, She said that on the (WW) program all the fruit would be a free food!!! I don't see how when it has calories too :noway:


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Because they juggle points and set the calorie count low enough that most people will lose even if they eat a reasonable quantity of fruit. Some people have found that WW doesn't work for them for precisely this reason -- you can't just not count 10 bananas a day and expect to still lose -- but most people don't go to those extremes.
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    On WW they give you a low amount of calories (points) and all of the fruits & veg are free because they are hoping you will start eating them. If you only ate points and no free stuff you would probably be eating less than 1000cals.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    many vegetables are "free" as well. In theory the system works, as you'd get alloted points for a lot of your diet (fats/proteins/starchy or sugary carbs not from whole fruits/veggies) and then be encouraged to eat the no point things.

    From an overall health prospective that would be great even if weight loss wasn't going ideally, but in practice most people I know who have done weight watchers don't focus on eating the right things and justify eating nutrient poor diets and unsustainable eating practices while "justifying" consistently poor dietary choices based off food "point" values.

    WW is kind of like Atkins to me, nothing wrong with it in theory (espiecially if you realize atkins isn't a lifelong "low carb" diet), but nobody does it the way it is ideologically intended.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    This is very true but that is because their system sets calories/points low so fruits and veggies can be no pointers.

    i did the WW program for 4 months in back in 2005 I think??? I lost 50 pounds so it works, but you have to stay very true and i almost NEVER used my 'extra points' that were earned from exercise nor did I ever use the extra 35 points given each week just for the heck of it.