Mid afternoon crash pick me up ideas??

Hi, new to MFP and wondering if anyone has this mid afternoon energy crash as well? I am getting up at 5:30 am for exercise and working in an office until 5:30 pm. I cut out caffeine and am trying to find a good alternative low-cal low/no sugar idea for that 3:00 hour. What does anyone recommend?


  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I get up at 5:30 am and experience the mid afternoon crash too. Every day at 3:15 before I leave I eat a Chobani greek yogurt. Not low in sugar but there may be lower sugar alternatives out there. Maybe some cottage cheese and chives with a small serving of almonds?
  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member
    not sure if this'll do it but fruit'll give you that sugar but coupled with fiber so it doesn't shock the system. I've been big on peaches lately myself.

    Also - have you tried stretching? I know it sounds silly but just circulating all your joints and getting your blood flowing, a long with some deep breathing really helps me get energy when I'm dragging.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    not sure if this'll do it but fruit'll give you that sugar but coupled with fiber so it doesn't shock the system. I've been big on peaches lately myself.

    Also - have you tried stretching? I know it sounds silly but just circulating all your joints and getting your blood flowing, a long with some deep breathing really helps me get energy when I'm dragging.
    I eat fruit too - a banana is my fruit of choice. I also find that a little bit of exercise can help with the slump. I usually take an afternoon walk during my lunch hour.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Same boat. Up at 5:30, work until 5:30 and I cut out caffeine as well.

    I munch on a small handful of roasted almonds around 3:30 and sometimes I'll throw in either a cheese stick, yogurt or piece of fruit, too. That picks me up enough to get through the last bit of my day, and usually keeps me full until my 7pm dinner :)

    Best of luck -
  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member
    hey all - just saw this article, oddly enough. Rahlpn looks like you were right on the money with the greek yogurt!


    5 Foods to Eat When You’re Feeling Tired
    A bowl of oats: The high dietary fiber content in oats helps you feel full longer, preventing overeating throughout the day, which can lead to weight gain, sluggishness, and fatigue.There’s more: oatmeal contains B1, the vitamin that is known to fight fatigue.

    A handful of walnuts: if you’re feeling blue, munching on walnuts can boost your spirits. This wonder nut contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to fight symptoms of depression.

    Whole wheat toast: the complex carbs in it give you the energy boost you need, without disturbing blood sugar levels.

    Oranges or bell peppers: the Vitaminc C family can instantly inject freshness into your body and mind. That’s because this wonderful vitamin helps reduce cortisol—the hormone responsible for stress and energy slumps. Just one cup of sliced red bell pepper meets twice your daily required quota of Vitamin C!

    A cup of creamy Greek yogurt: it’s simple. If your digestive system is out of gear, you’re going to feel whacked. That’s where yogurt comes in. The friendly bacteria in it do a fabulous job of regulating your digestion. The result: you have more energy, which lasts longer because yogurt has more protein than carbs. Try to get about 8 ounces of yogurt daily. You will feel relief from chronic fatigue within a week or so.
  • WestCoastWild
    WestCoastWild Posts: 147 Member
    I like Larabars. They only have a few (recognizeable as food!) ingredients, are delicious, and filling. Plus, they always seem to be on sale, which is a plus, haha :)
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    A string cheese and a small handful of almonds sometimes does the trick for me!!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    hey all - just saw this article, oddly enough. Rahlpn looks like you were right on the money with the greek yogurt!


    5 Foods to Eat When You’re Feeling Tired
    A bowl of oats: The high dietary fiber content in oats helps you feel full longer, preventing overeating throughout the day, which can lead to weight gain, sluggishness, and fatigue.There’s more: oatmeal contains B1, the vitamin that is known to fight fatigue.

    A handful of walnuts: if you’re feeling blue, munching on walnuts can boost your spirits. This wonder nut contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to fight symptoms of depression.

    Whole wheat toast: the complex carbs in it give you the energy boost you need, without disturbing blood sugar levels.

    Oranges or bell peppers: the Vitaminc C family can instantly inject freshness into your body and mind. That’s because this wonderful vitamin helps reduce cortisol—the hormone responsible for stress and energy slumps. Just one cup of sliced red bell pepper meets twice your daily required quota of Vitamin C!

    A cup of creamy Greek yogurt: it’s simple. If your digestive system is out of gear, you’re going to feel whacked. That’s where yogurt comes in. The friendly bacteria in it do a fabulous job of regulating your digestion. The result: you have more energy, which lasts longer because yogurt has more protein than carbs. Try to get about 8 ounces of yogurt daily. You will feel relief from chronic fatigue within a week or so.

    Great article!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    greek yogurt gets my vote. Add a piece of fresh fruit if you are still hungry. The yogurt has quite a bit of protein and it is mostly casein which is the slower digesting type of protein. This will keep you satisfied a little longer.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    A quick brisk walk around the office or up and down the stairs helps. Usually my biggest problem is needing to get up and move a bit.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I bit of a different perspective that isn't a short term fix...I found that as I started eating more whole foods, more fruits & vegetables, my energy levels remain very constant and high, all day long. I never get an afternoon crash anymore. Also my breakfast/lunches contain a lot of fruit, veggies, greek yogurt & various nuts/seeds.