What Keeps You Motivated?

Hey guys!

So today I'm starting my journey to a healthier, more fit, me. Yay!

I have just one question for all you guys out there though. My question is simply this:

What keeps you motivated to not only eat healthy and work out everyday, but to keep striving for the best you?

I'd love to hear from all of you.

If anyone would like to join me in my journey, if anyone needs someone to hold them accountable and/or be a motivation buddy, I would love some company!

If anyone has any questions or needs a fitness buddy, my email is...



  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    For me, nothing is as rewarding as progress. Seeing the change on the scale, in the mirror, and how my clothes fit- feeling better; that is what motivates me!
  • idrinkalotofwater
    idrinkalotofwater Posts: 251 Member
    I have an apps that remind me of my goals. This one (MFP) , Thinspo, and My Diet Coach (on android)
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Nothing. Most of the time I'm pretty motivated but some days I'm not. That goes for eating well and exercising, but also for other aspects of life like going to work. If I don't go to work, they'll fire me and I'll be homeless, so I don't really have a choice. I kind of have a choice with my health, but it's not a very good one. I keep that in mind on bad days. Motivation comes and goes, but being responsible is part of being an adult.
  • exact0ninja
    exact0ninja Posts: 33 Member
    Congrats on starting your new journey!

    For me, what inspires me to do those things is the possibility for transformation in general. I think it's so cool that by adjusting such small things here and there can over time change so much. I love seeing the progress and change! No matter how little! But also, how I feel. I am always amazed about how I feel when I get back from the gym when I just super duper really did not want to go. Moments like that always push me forward!