Anyone else an emotional eater/ drinker?



  • TheProudDadLife
    TheProudDadLife Posts: 654 Member
    Used to be
  • tkpetges
    tkpetges Posts: 1 Member
    Our brain wants reward, and eating is rewarding. It actually stimulates dopamine release in the brain, especially salty fat and or sugary food. We cannot overcome this drive to seek reward by willpower, but we can choose other activities that will reward the brain; they may take longer to achieve the dopamine reward than binging eating. You have to make a conscious choice to choose an alternative activity to stimulate dopamine release in the brain. Some alternative dopamine producing activities other than eating include exercise, meditation, getting outside in nature, being social, singing, dancing, and being creative (got a hobby?). Just keep at the alternative activity until your brain is satisfied.
  • ckelly5634
    ckelly5634 Posts: 6 Member
    I used to do that a lot, like binge eating whenever I was bored or had a bad day. I chew gum all of the time. Taking a walk, reading, playing an instrument, even watching a good TV show is better than reaching for the chips that are calling your name. And its best not to even buy unhealthy snacks or alcohol in the first place (on your weekly grocery trip); if you want something unhealthy make sure that you will have to go to a store/restaurant to get it. I use these methods and I have dropped 20 pounds since February 19.
  • IamMicah
    IamMicah Posts: 133 Member
    *raises hand* I used to have a good handle on it. When Id get upset or angry Id leave and go workout. Now my upset angry binges are back and I solve my problems with Large Caloric Consumption. Feeling full makes me feel better albeit temporarily
  • redesign125
    redesign125 Posts: 22 Member
    I grew up in a "big, fat Greek family" so I can totally relate. We fix everything with food. Are you happy? Eat something. Are you sad? Eat something. Are you mad? Eat something. And on and on. Ugh
  • drbuzzard91
    drbuzzard91 Posts: 1,204 Member
    hell no, but ill take a drink though...
  • 44to44
    44to44 Posts: 896 Member
    Definitely an emotional eater. When my mother was really sick there were times when I'd be eating compulsively and then realize I wasn't even tasting the food. I enjoy food - love cooking/baking, love eating, love feeding others. I am trying to find healthier ways to reward myself or deal with bad feelings - it's a process!
    EZDUZIT68 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Definitely an emotional eater. What I (try to) do is this: the moment I get the urge to splurge, the first thing I do is pour myself a large glass of water and slam it down. Usually fills me up really quick and I don't feel like eating.
  • TheProudDadLife
    TheProudDadLife Posts: 654 Member
    Used to be an emotional eater ., I've never been drinker