New in Upstate NY

Trying MFP for the first time, got about 40 pounds to lose. I'm a big guy, so that means getting down to a "healthy" 200 (currently around 242). I've joined a CrossFit box, loving that the last two months, but food is where I find myself in trouble. Lots of self-rationalizing, stress eating, etc. I'm a newish dad too (19 month old boy), which adds to the excuses, but I want to do this FOR him, so I need to get my motivations in order! Definitely could use some friends here to bounce ideas and inspiration off of. Time to BRING IT!!


  • kblkmw
    kblkmw Posts: 9 Member
    How wonderful to have a beautiful 19 month old in your life! Chasing after him will surely help get some weight off. My hat is off to you for making the decision to lose weight and get ahold of your eating. You will be modeling good health, fitness and good food choices for your son. What a great way for him to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle.
    I am at a different stage in my life but from Upstate NY too and happy to provide some words of encouragement if you need them.
    Take good care and best wishes!
  • the_fit_geek
    the_fit_geek Posts: 58 Member
    Congrats on daddyhood lol! Its a blessing! I'm originally from Geneva. Move to GA 15 years ago. Been on my journey for 2 yrs. Restarted like a month ago. In all that time, learned, research, got recipes, etc. Also looking for support, tips, motivation,etc. Add me if you like.
  • lisahebert186
    lisahebert186 Posts: 736 Member
    Hi there from Texas. I have an 18 month old as well as a 10 and 5 year old. I work full time and then I'm home being mom/wife. I have a very hectic life and I'm learning how to eat around my life. Feel free to add me if you would like to.