Just Starting- Need Support

Any little tips you experienced ones can share would be greatly appreciated. I have 45 to 50 lbs to lose.


  • gillie80
    gillie80 Posts: 214 Member
    That was my starting goal too. am down 17lbs so far. just take it 1 day at a time. dont get hung up on the little things. if you go over your calories for the day, chalk it up to experience and move on to the next day and leave the guilt behind. i found that having a goal of 50 odd lbs was a bit daunting so i've done it stone by stone. ive lost my 1st, so my next goal is now only 11lbs away, instead of 40 something. i'm sure others with have more sage wisdom than that, but having been doing this for 4 months, that's some of what ive found. good luck with your journey. xx