how long do you workout for?



  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I often spend 2+hours to dedicated activity during the day ... I don't allow myself to just sit and watch TV, but feel ok about spending the time if I'm on the treadmill or elliptical. I'll put in 10miles on the stationary bike while I read my book. My boys have basketball practice and games, and rather than just sit and wait for them, I'll jog the track above the court during that hour (I can still watch and cheer them on). I know often my "workouts" aren't nearly as intense, and many of these folks putting in a single 30min workout are getting as much done in that time as I am in my 2-3 hours ... but I have the time, and I'm hoping the slow and steady (and yes, often enjoyable) will still benefit me.

    I was putting in a 60min full body weight workout 1-3 times a week (in addition to my cardio) but have put that on hold while I do 30DS. Trying a little intensity in my otherwise comfortable routine ... *Ü*
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Right now I am doing a 30Day Shred with a group here on MFP for the month of July, in the morning b4 work (20 mins).
    I walk everyday at lunch between 20-30 minutes.
    I go to the gym Mon-Wed-Fri evenings; doing something different every time (cardio, strength training, circuit, etc); small group of people with a trainer. That is anywhere from 50 - 70 minutes.
    I either go to the gym or walk outdoors Tues/Thurs.
    I am now trying to go on a weekend hike on Saturday.
    Sunday is my day of rest

    Seems like a lot; and it is; but my weight loss has plateau yet again and I am trying to get it going down again.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,632 Member
    I'm typically in the gym about 2 hours 4 days a week. that includes the stretching,water breaks and rest between sets (no chitchatting as i always have my headphones on full blast :-) ) someone else mentioned that anything over 45 minutes will actually build up your fat? not sure what to do??? please help!!

    Build UP your fat?????

    Do you know, everyday I come onto these Forums, only to find yet another broscience piece of rubbish that is being presented as fact.

    No, it will not actually build up your fat if you work out over 45 minutes it will burn it off. So continue doing what you are doing if it makes you happy, because you will NOT be building up fat :laugh:
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    60-90 min 4-5 days per week. When I was a lot younger it was 2.5-3 hours per day 5-6 days per week :smile: looking back that was a ton but my goal was to bulk up!
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    do an hour doing a bro split M-F Saturday sunday off
  • bLui_bella
    bLui_bella Posts: 39 Member
    I generally go 4-5 times a week and do an hour to an hour and a half... 3 of those days I will jog later that same day for another hour to an hour and a half... May be too much and I get called INSANE a good bit... But I like it :)
  • teddabod
    teddabod Posts: 222 Member
    60 to 90 minutes. My body digs that time frame...
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    Usually between 45 minutes - 1.5 hours
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I was doing 8-9 hours a week in the gym and a trainer said I stressed her out with my workout schedule (in addition to having a fulltime job and 4 kids) and told me to cut back and shoot for 5 hours a week. She suggested 2-3 weight training and the rest hardcore cardio. She said to work it as hard as I can for those 5 hours and then give myself time to recover 2 days a week. It helped get me over a plateau but it may have slowed down my overall loss. Either way I am happier not to be in the gym all those hours - so it fits better into my life and is something I think I can manage in the long run. And lets be honest if it slows down the loss but doesn't stop it what do I care. This is for life - might as well enjoy it!
  • violettatx
    violettatx Posts: 230 Member
    60-90 minutes 3-4 times a week. That is a level I think I can maintain over time. Anything more than that I don't think I could keep up over the long run because I have a life and stuff.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I workout everyday at home, 60-70 minutes. This includes a long yoga workout once a week, short hiit workouts with strength training 3x/week, cardio or circuit training 3x/week and a 12 minute stretch routine after each workout. Some times I will take the dogs for a 15-20 minute walk after I'm finished with my workout, but the dogs get more out of it than I do. When I hit maintenance, I will probably re-evaluate my routine, but for now this is working for me.
  • Fonarios
    Fonarios Posts: 31 Member
    i'm going to shoot to getting it down to 1.5 this week and about an hour next week...the extra hour at home will def be nice!!
  • lhourin
    lhourin Posts: 144 Member
    20-40 min, 4ish x/week. I like super quick, intense workouts, and they have been giving me better results than my previous longer gym workouts.
  • bongochick45
    bongochick45 Posts: 130 Member
    1) I have never heard of gaining fat because you work out too much. That sounds like foolishness, but I could be wrong. I'm no expert.

    2) I work out about 30-60 minutes 5-6x a week. I'm traininig for a 10k though and I'm pretty slow so I know my running workouts will eventually hit the 90 minute mark. But that's it. Unless you're a professional athlete or training to be the Rock's stunt double I don't think you should need to work out for that long.
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    about 45 minutes, excluding warm up sets.
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    I usually do about 30 min of cardio and 60 min of weights every other day, in between ill usually do about an hour or two of light/heavy interval training and rest the weekend
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I wouldn't say there is a right or wrong answer. Just do whatever you do, ensure your form is right and take as long as it takes.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    That does seem like a lot and counter productive ..I'm usually 45 mins to an hour especially if your not wasting too much time in betweent sets

    He said 2-4 hours a WEEK.... so Im thinking that is not all in one workout, right?

    He said 2 hours 4x weekly.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    M-F 1-1.5hr
    Saturday 2+hours
    Sunday. Die
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Generally 45 minutes: Mon-Fri, 60 minutes:Sat - very occasionally I will do a longish run around 90 minutes