So many health issues since losing weight - I want to be 250 again



  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    I developed diverticulitis from my sudden and extreme dietary changes. I already had diverticulosis but never took it seriously because I never had symptoms. I had upped my fiber, added lots of fresh vegetables, nuts, popcorn, diet cokes, and the likes and ended up in the ER.

    I had to change what I ate. I now eat less fiber, less seeded fruits and veggies, and concentrate on getting plenty of protein and calcium (skim milk). My nails and hair are healthier now than when I started my weight loss journey. My digestion has greatly improved since I cut out the excess veggies and fiber. I also get an hour of cardio most days by taking long walks and swimming laps at the community pool which allows me a much higher caloric intake on those days.

    It's been four months since that painful and miserable attack and I feel great. There are vitamins for people who have problems eating TOO healthy. I've tweaked my diet to fit my individual needs and you should consider doing the same. I once thought that I shouldn't lose anymore but that was in reaction to my symptoms. I am more energetic now, my knees don't hurt, and I don't have that awful old lady flatulence that I had when I was morbidly obese.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    starshellc wrote: »
    Oh and forgot to add heart palpitations to the list.

    I've suspected nutritional defecencies or possibly allergies due to an autoimmune disease that has just caught up to me but I have no idea how to go about testing for that.

    Enjcj5: I lost it through changing my diet, adding more fruits and veggies. I've become a sort of a health nut comparatively. My health before was diabetes and high blood pressure which I overcame and now manage with only diet and exercise. So that is one big plus. Also, I've never smoked and wine maybe a glass a month if that. Now strictly no alcohol.

    RosaRose: I eat a variety of fruits and veggies. As for fat I used to fill up on coconut oil and avocados, the occasoonal bad food, but since the attack I'm strictly low fat now.

    Ronjsteele1: That's a great idea. I will certainly look into it. I get itchiness that flares up, it comes and goes so could all be tied together.

    Afatperaonwholikeafood: I am going to send you a message. I am curious about your heart rate and running. I love to run.

    KateTii: You are right. At least I am being taken seriously by the doctors.

    Do you think you may not have enough fat in your diet? If you've reduced the healthy fats (avocado and coconut) to reduce calories, maybe it's unbalanced now. I guess that's more of a doctor question, but especially if your bad cholesterol has increased as a % of cholesterol you might want to think about adding back in salmon, tuna, nuts, avocado.

    I run, do yoga, and am slender, good heart rate, but still struggle with high blood pressure, so getting or being slim doesn't knock out all health risk, BTW.

    I wish you the best, and hope you figure out what is going on.