Need to lose 15 pounds

I need some help losing 15 pounds. I started at 185 and I'm now at 165. My goal weight is 150. I'm 5'5 22 years old. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I go to the gym 5 days a week. I am with a trainer 3 times a week and do cross fit training with her. The other days I run on the treadmill. I eat tons of fruits and veggies. I've cut down junk food, sugary drinks, and candies.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Fill out your MFP profile, choosing sedentary as your activity level and 1 pound as your goal loss per week.

    Get a digital kitchen scale to weigh all solids foods and measuring cups/spoons to measure all liquids. Log your food in MFP, being sure to use good database entries. If you have a food label in hand, look for an entry that matches it. If you don't have a food label, look for an entry that matches USDA info. An easy way to do that is to put "usda" in the search (e.g., "usda cherries raw") and then search the usda's online database to be sure the nutrition information matches. This sounds like a bit of a hassle but MFP "remembers" your frequently used food entries so after a couple of weeks you'll notice the app pulling up the entries that you have verified and used in the past.