Need Nike + Running App Friends

Hi All,

I started running last month and need more inspiration. Would love to have you as a friend on my Nike + Running App.

If you would like to add me, my screen name is "RVerma13" - its case sensitive.

Keep Running,


  • rcvpierre
    rcvpierre Posts: 5
    Hello everybody, please feel free to add me, I don't have a lot of friend so please add me. My username is rcvpierre
    Thanks, see you soon on nike+running
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    You can add me on Nike running if you like. My username is sim247 same as on here. I'll add you guys now :)
  • mertdp27
    mertdp27 Posts: 5
    I just joined MFP today and I'd like to add more friends on Nike+ to create some synergy and motivation..

    I already requested please you do so :)

    My SN is MertDP.
  • Jjz4269
    Jjz4269 Posts: 4
    Add me my account is jjz4269 I run daily and would love some active friends to challenge!!!!!