Losing weight over 40



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I assume you mean eatting 99% of your calorie goal. Keep in mind MFP is an estimate and does not work at those numbers for everyone. I will tell you I can not lose if I eat less than 1600 per day and lose best between 1600-1800 per day which is MORE than MFP allots me. Without an open diary or info on what you eat it is hard to see what may help. Just remember it is 70% diet. The wrong food types/wrong calorie intake will hinder results. Just modify things here and there. You will find the "sweet spot." Good Luck on your journey. Oh yes, and enjoy your half marathon.

    there are no wrong food types. what hinders results is eating too much or eating the same amount you are burning,or over estimating your calorie burns and eating all of those back. its all about calories in vs calories out unless you have a health issue then certain foods may cause issues or slow your loss, but its still CICO.

    I agree there is no wrong food
    but eating clean gives better results faster than the same calories in pop and junk food (not insinuating this is how anyone eats). Clean eating and moderate exercise go a long way:).

    there is no proof of any of this if there is please give me links that prove it. I mean scientific and peer review studies,. and what is eating clean? everyone will have a different definition as to what it means.your body doesnt know the difference between sugars,carbs,etc. your body will use all food as fuel. now some foods may be broken down more slowly due to fiber, but as for better results? theres no proof of that. I have ate "clean" which means cutting out junk foods, and I have ate things I like in moderation. one does not give me any better results than the other. The difference is eating healthy nutrient dense foods will yield a higher volume of food than calorie dense less nutrition food. a calorie is a calorie for most people.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited June 2016
    I assume you mean eatting 99% of your calorie goal. Keep in mind MFP is an estimate and does not work at those numbers for everyone. I will tell you I can not lose if I eat less than 1600 per day and lose best between 1600-1800 per day which is MORE than MFP allots me. Without an open diary or info on what you eat it is hard to see what may help. Just remember it is 70% diet. The wrong food types/wrong calorie intake will hinder results. Just modify things here and there. You will find the "sweet spot." Good Luck on your journey. Oh yes, and enjoy your half marathon.

    there are no wrong food types. what hinders results is eating too much or eating the same amount you are burning,or over estimating your calorie burns and eating all of those back. its all about calories in vs calories out unless you have a health issue then certain foods may cause issues or slow your loss, but its still CICO.

    I agree there is no wrong food
    but eating clean gives better results faster than the same calories in pop and junk food (not insinuating this is how anyone eats). Clean eating and moderate exercise go a long way:).

    Eating clean may give "YOU" better results faster, but for me it was all about moderation in all foods.
    As CharlieBeans said, "what is clean eating?" No clear definition of such a phenomena.
    All anyone can do is tell what works/worked for each of us.
    This may or may not be true for anyone else. Finding our own way, by trial and error, what will work for each of us and be sustainable for a healthier future is what works in the long run.
    A plan that you will stick to for the long term is what will "go a long way". This has been my personal experience.

  • Chargunshow
    Chargunshow Posts: 60 Member
    It's definitely possible but absolutely harder. Don't let young women or any aged men tell you different. Things that worked in my 20s (increase my exercise, weight gone), 30s (increase exercise not enough, add eyeball portion control), 40s and beyond (increase exercise, weigh and measure and count calories). Your perception is correct. Our caloric needs go down as we age...so or room for error gets mighty small.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    At 42 I'm leaner, healthier, and more fit than I was in my 20s.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I was a normal weight all through my 20s & 30s and it was easy because I wasn't trying to lose or maintain. I just lived my life. But I'm in better shape at 47 than I've ever been because I work for it and I have better information about diet and exercise. I happen to enjoy it so that doesn't seem hard to me. Scheduling can be harder. I keep track of my calories & macros because I worked hard to get to this point and want to protect that. But I could have done this in my younger years, I just didn't. Wish I had, though!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited June 2016
    When I'm not losing, it's almost ALWAYS because I'm not logging accurately enough, which almost ALWAYS means I'm eating more than I realize.
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    I agree with looking at what your eating.
    I just finished a 1/2 marathon and only lost 5 pounds.
    Putting in all those miles makes you hungry. The long mile days plus 2-3 days of shorter miles. Takes a toll on your body and eating schedule. This is the first time I tracked my food during the training. I had to eat back at least 1/2 of my calories on short days and almost 75% on the long day. Don't be discouraged. Its a process.

    I may not be the fastest but every time I finish a race, I am thankful for my body. My strong body has endured 2 c-sections, multiple surgeries, and still keeps going.
    Enjoy your run. :)
  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
    Few things here:

    • How long have you been measuring results with MFP
    • Do you have a physical goal in mind (look vs weight)
    • What are your activity settings for calories?

    You are not messed up metabolically. Simple matter is as we age we burn less calories. As we age we, coincidentally have to eat less. It is not easy getting older, this I agree. But with that stated you must accept and adjust your caloric intake to reflect the body's adjustment.

    Look at health.
    Look at fitness.
    Look at happiness now vs the past.

    Are you accurately measuring results?
    Are you focusing on longevity?

    You have wisdom. Use it.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    kathleennf wrote: »
    I am now 54 and working towards the goal of pull ups. (The exercise, not the diapers haha.) It's a slow process but keep at it! It's totally worth it!

    This totally cracked me up.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    I can't say if it works at 40 but pushing 60 my wife and I dropped 105 pounds together. She's down 50 pounds and 10 sizes.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    sineadski wrote: »
    I'm new here, but am doing weight training twice a week with a trainer followed by cardio and a long run (training for half marathon) but cannot shift ANY weight and am not seeing any results in terms of toning. My diet is pretty good, I track it daily on the app. Am I just doomed because of my age?
    Any and all suggestions to kickstart this are welcome!
    Need some encouragement / ideas to help.

    I'm 44 and I'm down over 52lbs. Don't worry about seeing muscle results, you're not going to see much of that until the losing part is nearly over. Working out with the trainer will likely cause you to retain water, which will mask weight loss results.

    If you aren't already, get a digital food scale that measures in grams. Don't do cheat days, and log everything that passes your lips, and everything that goes into a dish (cooking oil, et cet). Don't eat back all of your exercise calories.

    If I can do this, you can.
  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    sineadski wrote: »
    I guess to clarify, I have been working out on and off for many years - my body isn't reacting the same way it has in the past to doing the work in either weight or inches. So Yes, although 41 isn't old, my body is behaving differently.
    My calorie intake via my Fitnesspal is 99% below the daily goal and it consistently tells me, if you ate like this every day you'd be (20lbs) lighter in 4 weeks.
    Thanks for the suggestions / encouragement guys and gals!

    Your calorie intake is 99% below the daily goal? Holy crap. Are you eating like one grape a day?

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    For me I went both the fast route for losing weight and the better way. While I was able to drop almost 30 pound by basically starving myself on too little calories, I looked like a strung out crack users and I did not change the habits to maintain the loss. So second time around I managed to do a bit better with exercise and finding a better caloric deficit, and I was able to lose pounds and feel better about it, but I still didn't lose like I was hoping.

    So this time around, the only things I focus on is the process. I eat at a good caloric deficit level and I exercise regularly. I do weigh once a week, but I only log it once ever month'ish. I stopped focusing on the numbers and such and I find it is mentally and physically easier for me to stick to things when I don't set expectation beyond just doing what I should.

    I will say, I log almost everything and I rarely skip exercise. The consistency over the last several months has made a remarkable difference and for the first time I feel like I could hit any goal I want.