How do I keep from eating because I'm bored?!



  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I play video games. Keeps my hands busy and my mind off eating.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Go outside. It helps.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I'm a nightmare for eating when I'm bored.....I stand there eating out the cereal box......constantly

    My body isn't even hungry, and I do it all the time....I am sure I would drop a few lbs just by cutting this out
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I get bored. Especially in the summer. A lot.

    And it makes me want to eat. Because I love eating.

    But I want to lose weight. And get toned.

    So. If you guys feel/have felt the same way.

    How do you stop yourself from eating??

    You are probably hungry?

    You seem to put in a lot of exercise cals in your diary, but do not eat enough?

    If you want to lose weight and get toned then eat more and carry on with the exercise x
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    How about.. go do something..

    there's this great big playground just waiting for you..

    its' called.. outside.. go for a walk!

    When I was young I had 1 toy to play was called "outside" eveything I did revolved around this

    Get a hobby.. i used to make jewelry when I had a lot of free time.. I even sold it.
    Take up a sport
    start reading
    take a class (there are free ones! i'm in a few now!)
    Get a second job..
    Go hiking or biking
    Volunteer somewhere
  • benno1978
    benno1978 Posts: 90 Member
    first of all as others have said are you eating enough? calculate your TDEE and eat to that (eat clean though) try eating more protein and good fats (like oily fish) these can help you feel full

    And make sure you're getting enough water at least 2 litres a day

    If you're still reaching for the snacks something else is going on. I'm terrible for snacking when bored try going for a walk or busting out some press-ups etc to take your mind off it plus if you do 'crack' at least you've earnt some of those calories

    Finally you've got to ask yourself what do you want more this snack or to reach your goals? I try and ask myself this every time I'm tempted - sometimes the snack wins lol

    but basically you have can results or excuses pick one #toughlove
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    get off your *kitten* and do something...then you won't be bored.
  • pghtrader
    pghtrader Posts: 44 Member
    In case you didn't pick up on the recurring theme, what you are hearing is an undertone of jealousy from people that have left the school environment years ago and are knee deep in the responsibilities of their world.

    I quickly found that marriage, children, work, and ongoing maintenance on our home has pretty much eliminated any chance of boredom showing it's pleasant face around me ;)

    So, don't take peoples' comments about getting off your rear too seriously. I'd recommend that you enjoy your time and try out whatever that strikes you as fun (assuming it is healthy and safe, of course.)

    Maybe think about what kind of clubs you might want to try in college: drama, singing, instrumental chamber ensemble, sports, chess club (ok, probably not the chess club, but you get the idea) and get a head start. Take some online classes. Search youtube.

    If none of those are interesting, maybe find something a little different like learning Mandarin, Japanese, Russian, Latin, or sign language.

    Still not enough to occupy your mind? Volunteer at a local charity. Learn how the stock market works and open a demo account. Learn to draw or paint or both. Write your first novella.

    Ok, I'll stop now. I'm as envious as everyone else. Many of those are things that I would love to do if I had the time or are things that I have done and really enjoyed.

    Anyway good luck and stay busy!
  • DanielleJoy129
    In case you didn't pick up on the recurring theme, what you are hearing is an undertone of jealousy from people that have left the school environment years ago and are knee deep in the responsibilities of their world.

    I quickly found that marriage, children, work, and ongoing maintenance on our home has pretty much eliminated any chance of boredom showing it's pleasant face around me ;)

    So, don't take peoples' comments about getting off your rear too seriously. I'd recommend that you enjoy your time and try out whatever that strikes you as fun (assuming it is healthy and safe, of course.)

    Maybe think about what kind of clubs you might want to try in college: drama, singing, instrumental chamber ensemble, sports, chess club (ok, probably not the chess club, but you get the idea) and get a head start. Take some online classes. Search youtube.

    If none of those are interesting, maybe find something a little different like learning Mandarin, Japanese, Russian, Latin, or sign language.

    Still not enough to occupy your mind? Volunteer at a local charity. Learn how the stock market works and open a demo account. Learn to draw or paint or both. Write your first novella.

    Ok, I'll stop now. I'm as envious as everyone else. Many of those are things that I would love to do if I had the time or are things that I have done and really enjoyed.

    Anyway good luck and stay busy!

    Thanks for this post.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Set some goals and work towards them! Boredom is an excuse, and not a good one. Go to and find a 5K 3 months from now...and start working to be able to complete it.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Judas priest, First World Problems!

    Get a job
    Get a second job
    Go to school/take a summer class
    Volunteer at a shelter/animal clinic
    Go to the gym
    Go for a walk
    Walk the dog
    Do some yoga
    Learn to sew/knit/crochet/cross stitch
    Read a good book
    Go swimming
    Go see a movie (only bring enough cash for a ticket)
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I've got 2 jobs this summer (1 volunteer and 1 ''real'' :p) Which make sure I don't have any time for boredom eating.
    The ''real'' job is being a guide in an archaeological museum so even when I'm not at work I'm preparing tours and presentations.
    Both jobs are also in the city centre (and my house is not) so I have to bike an hour each day to go to work too! (plus the walking around doing tours) so even if I snack I'll probably won't gain much weight and I'm making money in the process! Win win! :happy:

    Apart from that I just make sure there is no junk in the house apart from some fruit. So even if I get a snack it's light and unlikely to make me gain weight.

    [Edited to say I'm still a student too, so I know how quiet and boring the summer months can be, but there are many things to do and going out and finding them can be an activity in itself! Good luck :smile:]
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    gum is actually a real good idea --- my struggle time is at home after dinner --- even after i workout, when on the couch watching mindless television, i tend to snack

    I'm snacking on Parmesan Goldfish right now in front of the tv and my laptop post dinner...
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    I eat a mint, chew gum, brush my teeth, have a cup of tea or some diet coke. You could try painting your nails, and put on a lot of coats (wet nails = hard to eat) :smile:
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    I smoke. :laugh:

    ^^me too


    Hence why i dotn want to quit smoking just yet!
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    Go outside. It helps.

  • AlainaKayy
    AlainaKayy Posts: 206 Member
    I drink a glass of water. Wait 30 minutes. If I'm still hungry I'll chew a piece of gum. If I'm still hungry after that? I'll eat a hard boiled egg. That's usually the end of it--if it gets that far.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I do this too. Sometime I will buy a pack of gum and spend the afternoon eating piece after peice until i've finished the whole pack. Gum is about 3 cals/piece X about 15 pieces per pack so I'm only consuming about 45 cals and keeps my mouth busy which keeps my mind off food cravings :)

    Yep, I do this almost everyday.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Hobby, job, failing that... stop thinking about food.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    if you had your meals and snacks but still want to eat something for your boredom. try gum. also make sure you are forcing down at least 8 glasses of water a day. I believe that with the constant drinking of water and eating food throughout the day you wont have much time for the "boredom' to just eat kick in. WIth your eating and exercise and just normal daily activities there shouldn't be that much time to get bored. That is how I approach it anyways.