Just here...just being me

HI all...I read a post referring to not liking people...I like people I just don't like the drama and negativity that come with a lot of people. When was younger I used to think I had to voice my opinion now I am in my early 40's and don't even bother...because I realize it's not worth the time or the effort to argue..I am not always right...in fact I am probably wrong a lot...but I believe everyone is in titled to their opinions even if I don't agree with them...so I just sit here..being me.

On that note if anyone is out there that just wants to chat and compare notes and ideas failures and victories please add me.

I am a 41 female mother of 3 grandma of 2 wife of 1 , 5'9" 206 lbs looking to lose 30 more lbs. I lost 30 last summer then moved from AZ to MN and over the cold winter gained 11 back :( but summer is here and I am back on track! !