The 12 super foods that every nutrionist stocks



  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    1. Dark berries (blueberries and blackberries were specifically mentioned) I like them don't usually have them on hand.
    2. Almond milk very tasty especially the dark chocolate kind, I don't keep it on hand a lot because I could drink the whole carton in a day.
    3. Oatmeal (not the quick kind and NOT the flavored packets) I always try to keep this on hand oatmeal keeps me full for hours.
    4. cinnamon meh, have it rarely remember to add it to stuff.
    5. Avocado too expensive for daily eating
    6. Greek Yogurt plain no
    7. Eggs no
    8. Extra virgin Olive Oil yep
    9. Hummus nom nom
    10. Nuts (they mentioned almonds and walnuts) almond butter is great in fruit smoothies
    11. Kale need a recipe where kale can be made as a cold dish.
    12. Quinoa Not sure I need even more protein in my diet, so maybe someday if I find out I have to absolutely have lots and lots of protein

    I would bet there are perfectly healthy people that don't eat a single thing on this list. Including olive oil. There are probably unhealthy people that eat a lot of items from the list. I think if you eat a balanced diet with lots of fruit and veggies you are probably going to get what you need.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    All in all it looks like a very nutrient dense list.

    As for magical qualities, no.

    My list:


    ^^^this! In for beer and pizza!
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    We use the quick packets for smoothies because we have like a year supply of them from when my wife exclusively ate that version of oatmeal. Now she only uses steel cut oats for the most part so we have to get rid of those crazy packets. After they are gone though we will move to just regular rolled oats. Steel cut doesn't really work in smoothies very well in my opinion (my wife may disagree).

    As to the list, I also don't get Almond milk that much. From a protein perspective (being a vegetarian this tends to be important to me), skim milk is so much better than almond milk. And for only 30 calories more per cup (yes I could go to the 30 calorie version but that just doesn't appeal to me). I also am not a fan of Hummus, don't know why but never have been. I do make chickpea lemon muffins though so I guess I sort of get there. Missing I would think are various beans and the like. But it pretty good list to include.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    All except the Kale for me. Nice!

    I would add chia seeds to the list!
  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    For me almond milk is better. Cow milk tends to bloat me and makes me congested. I love dairy, especially cheese so I do not keep it in the house anymore and I only eat it on occasions. At one time I would eat a bar of sharp cheddar like a candy bar., but not anymore.

    I have never purchased almond milk before but I am willing to try it. Is in the refrigerated section like regular milk? Is it pretty pricey?

    Also if I were to add my own foods I would say legumes of some sort and Salmon.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    So I read an article with this title. I was really quite proud of myself because I had all but 2 of them in my kitchen and I have been incorporating them into my diet lately. Tell me if you agree with this list and if not...what super foods would you suggest;

    1. Dark berries (blueberries and blackberries were specifically mentioned)
    2. Almond milk
    3. Oatmeal (not the quick kind and NOT the flavored packets)
    4. cinnamon
    5. Avocado
    6. Greek Yogurt plain
    7. Eggs
    8. Extra virgin Olive Oil
    9. Hummus
    10. Nuts (they mentioned almonds and walnuts)
    11. Kale
    12. Quinoa

    I stopped reading at "super foods."

    MTE (I do eat most of those, but nothing super or magical about them)
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    are super foods like superstars?

  • DOzendes
    DOzendes Posts: 3
    I started using the Almond Milk and don't mind it at all. Calories are lower and it taste good. Have not tried it for cooking yet. I also like the extended expiration date that some milks don't have. Try it. I'm using unsweetened and also the vanilla. Vanilla for protein drinks, unsweetened for breakfast cereal.
  • knityoupants
    knityoupants Posts: 76 Member
    I don't fully the problem with instant oatmeal, as long as there are no flavors or sugar added (like in the little packets). Isn't it just cut smaller to cook faster? My understanding is that the nutritional difference is negligible compared to the time-saving difference....

    (EDIT: Nevermind, that's what I get for skimming.... *shrugs* maybe I'll start waking up fifteen minutes earlier for the sake of my glycemic index. Maybe.)
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    not a stitch of meat on there.

  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    For me almond milk is better. Cow milk tends to bloat me and makes me congested. I love dairy, especially cheese so I do not keep it in the house anymore and I only eat it on occasions. At one time I would eat a bar of sharp cheddar like a candy bar., but not anymore.

    I have never purchased almond milk before but I am willing to try it. Is in the refrigerated section like regular milk? Is it pretty pricey?

    Also if I were to add my own foods I would say legumes of some sort and Salmon.

    Yes it's with the other milks & is more pricey. I personally prefer Hazelnut milk :happy:
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    So I read an article with this title. I was really quite proud of myself because I had all but 2 of them in my kitchen and I have been incorporating them into my diet lately. Tell me if you agree with this list and if not...what super foods would you suggest;

    1. Dark berries (blueberries and blackberries were specifically mentioned)
    2. Almond milk
    3. Oatmeal (not the quick kind and NOT the flavored packets)
    4. cinnamon
    5. Avocado
    6. Greek Yogurt plain
    7. Eggs
    8. Extra virgin Olive Oil
    9. Hummus
    10. Nuts (they mentioned almonds and walnuts)
    11. Kale
    12. Quinoa

    i have all of this except I use coconut milk or soy rather than Almond Milk and I don't have the my SO is allergic to nuts.......i also eat many other things....

    but really "super" foods or not...all good nutrient dense food (which these are) are good for you
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Missing bacon, peanut butter, and several others.

    And I don't get the infatuation with almond milk. It tastes nasty unless you get the flavored kind but if you do that you'll get tha cancer.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 941 Member
    Yes to all of that (except almond milk?) - and I would add

    Green Tea
    Whole grains
    Chicken breasts
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    No beer on that list? Fail.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I refuse to call anything a super food until they start fighting crime. I do, however, like most of these items, except eggs and kale.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    So I read an article with this title. I was really quite proud of myself because I had all but 2 of them in my kitchen and I have been incorporating them into my diet lately. Tell me if you agree with this list and if not...what super foods would you suggest;

    1. Dark berries (blueberries and blackberries were specifically mentioned)
    2. Almond milk
    3. Oatmeal (not the quick kind and NOT the flavored packets)
    4. cinnamon
    5. Avocado
    6. Greek Yogurt plain
    7. Eggs
    8. Extra virgin Olive Oil
    9. Hummus
    10. Nuts (they mentioned almonds and walnuts)
    11. Kale
    12. Quinoa

    i have all of this except I use coconut milk or soy rather than Almond Milk and I don't have the my SO is allergic to nuts.......i also eat many other things....

    but really "super" foods or not...all good nutrient dense food (which these are) are good for you

    If this were five years ago, it would be milk instead of almond milk. greek yogurt would be a no show, spinach instead of kale, whole wheat pasta instead of quinoa, on and on and on. I suspect 5 years from now we'll have 12 new superduperfoods.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    I don't get the almond milk. A lot of people on here drink it -- what's the deal?

    The rest of the stuff I get and understand -- well, except kale which tastes like I'm eating a plastic plant. But I like spinach and that's OK.

    I don't drink a glass of it but use it to cook my steel cut oats in and pour it over after heating. Will also use it on my cold cereal when and if I have some.
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    I regularly eat all except the Quinoa and nuts. Not a huge fan.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    I think all those foods are tasty. I don't think they're superfoods. They are calories with lots of healthy macros. But they don't do anything supercharged for me.

    Unless I can buy a jet pack with those foods. THEN it's a super food!

    In for the jet pack!