Do you ever feel like you look the same?



  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    In my analytical mind, I know I'm a lot better body wise having lost 65 lbs cause that shows up on the scale and in the smaller number sizes of jeans I wear. Problems is I also see the loose skin and little bit of fat on the stomach and it makes me feel like there SO much more that needs to be done, but what's bad is all I can do is wait (for the skin to hopefully shrink). I can't diet away loose skin or burn it off via cardio :(
  • becbo22
    becbo22 Posts: 283 Member
    77 pounds lost, 43 left to go. Some days I feel like nothing has changed and others I seem to notice a lot of little changes. It's a rollercoaster.
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    I've lost 109lbs and I still see the big me. I look at myself and can't believe I'm the size I am, sometimes I don't like what I see. I think it's just the mind trying to catchup.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I went down by almost 100 lbs. so far. I'd have to have a serious disorder to think that I look even remotely close to when I started.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm 5'4", highest weight 178 and lowest 128. Some days I feel like I don't see a big difference between 150 and 130 or something...I just keep trying to change my body fat% by lifting heavy, cutting, bulking, maintaining/etc. I also focus on performance goals. Right now I'm trying to get stronger for my first power lifting meet, so yeah I got a little chub but it's work it for the strength gains.
  • MrPositivity
    MrPositivity Posts: 6 Member
    Well I think part of the problem is that you see yourself every day and you are changing only ever so slightly each day. If you can get your body fat % low enough you will start to see muscles in certain areas that you couldn't see before. It can also help to curl your thumb and middle finger around your wrist and try to touch them together. There was a time I could not do this but now my fingers overlap by quite a bit.

    When someone you haven't seen for a long time compliments you on your losses accept it and know that you've done well even though you feel as though you are the same size.
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    edited July 2016
    Agreed. I've lost nearly 40lbs and am back down into the 170's but I feel like I look exactly the same... but I remind myself how much stronger I am, and how much closer I am to reaching my goals.

    Progress, no matter how small, adds up to the BIG results. And remember, there is no finish line on this journey, it's a lifestyle change that you will have to continue or you'll end up right back where you started....
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    All the time. My sister accused me of looking like (our very thin) aunt a couple weeks ago. I happened to see her a few days later and got a picture with her. I can see in about the same size as her in my picture but I can't really wrap my mind around that.
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    You get used to feeling and seeing the body you are in. Minuscule daily changes don't register to your brain, and until it's a big loss you probably won't see it in your clothes of pictures. It takes a while to catch up that you are smaller, just as must of us don't realize we are gaining until the scale shows a much higher number or our clothes don't look good anymore and we have bulges or are too tight to put on.

    When I lose, the composition of my body has stages like the fat goes from being solid and jiggly like jello to soft and squishy like wet sand or playdoh. So in those in between times before a big whoosh where I notice that the fat distribution doesn't look any better to me, in fact it looks worse. Plus I bloat horrendously during my time of the month. Then magically once a month after I feel and look particularly small since the water weight left and my weight loss is noticeable!

    Good luck and don't lose sight of the end game. One day you will see it and notice. I went from 5'3.75 and 173 to 135 and I didn't see a big difference until 140 lbs.
  • amiwills
    amiwills Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'4 too and started at 151lb so more or less the same as you. I lost 20lbs and honestly didn't see a difference, I used to think to myself how much weight loss is it going to take?! As soon as I hit 30lbs I was SO encouraged! I actually saw a difference and it got me really excited for further progress. I was 121lb last time I weighed (2 weeks ago) but have gained probably at least 2lbs as I went on holiday and ate whatever I wanted. I'm back on track now but won't weigh myself for another few weeks, I don't like getting too hung up on the number on the scale!

    Because of my holiday and over eating I've been feeling pretty sh***y about myself but each day that passes I feel better knowing I'm on track and on the route to my goal! You're going to find it hard to see your own success, as most of us do, but don't let that discourage you. This isn't a quick or easy process! Congrats on your 20lb loss so far xx
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    What are you looking at, just your tummy?

    I've lost 35 pounds, and notice it everywhere. I used to have a lot of flab under my arms/rib area when I lifted my arms. That's a LOT less now. My pants are 4" less than they were before. I now wear a size less in shirts. My belly is still there, just a lot smaller. My face is better, not as chubby. There are a lot of differences everywhere. Everything's not perfect yet, but there's a lot different.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    I have the same stats. I could see a small change at 131 lb. Then at 129 lb it was like runaway freight train and a huge change every 3 lbs. Keep at it. It's worth it.

    5' 4"
    SW 151
    GW 123
    CW 123

    151 size 8 and some 6s
    131 size 6
    125 size 4
    123 size 2 crazy I didn't expect to go down a size with 2 lbs
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    I have the same stats. I could see a small change at 131 lb. Then at 129 lb it was like runaway freight train and a huge change every 3 lbs. Keep at it. It's worth it.

    5' 4"
    SW 151
    GW 123
    CW 123

    151 size 8 and some 6s
    131 size 6
    125 size 4
    123 size 2 crazy I didn't expect to go down a size with 2 lbs
    Thank you! That was actually really motivating. I was a size 1 when I was 120 pounds and I'm a size 6 at 133 pounds now. I was a size 6 when I was 150 pounds so I've been feeling like I'll be a size 6 forever. It seems so strange to me that I was 5 sizes smaller when I was only 12 pounds lighter. Hopefully the same thing happens to me that happened to you! :smile:
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Tell me about it. At 151 lbs I should have been an 8 but I was shoving myself into 6s. My original GW was 127 lbs but I was irritated that while I looked thinner I was still a 6. No way had I gone though 5.5 months and 27 lbs to be the same size.

    That's when I set the new goal of 123 lbs. At 125 lbs I was having so much fun I thought about going to 120 lbs or lower. But at the 6 month mark and 124.2 lbs the hunger set in at a level I can't describe. It went from a 3 to 11+. I lasted 2 more weeks and decided that 123 would be good after all. 123.2 to be exact. I couldn't be bothered to go for that last .2 of a pound. Overall I am THRILLED.

    Fingers crossed that it works out the same for you.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I still use my "fat" gardening jeans to remind me of all the weight I've lost ;)

    I normally don't see it, but the other day at the gym I saw myself in the mirror and did see how much I've lost on my hips. I'm down 5.5 inches since I first measured, which was three months after I started losing weight.
  • owensy12
    owensy12 Posts: 88 Member
    I've lost nearly 40lbs and sometimes don't think I look any different. I can see it in my face, but the rest of my body feels the same even though I've dropped quite a few sizes. Its a phycological thing, which doesn't help me to maintain weight as I think nothings changed so I go back to my old eating habits. It's something I need to snap myself out of.
  • wagnerpe123
    wagnerpe123 Posts: 65 Member
    Yes! I've lost 100, but while I know I don't look the same (I certainly don't feel the same physically; in much better shape of course), I can't wrap my mind around my current size.

    Recently, we were at a crowded place, waiting for the gates to open and I asked my husband if my size was like that of "person A" over there. He said, no way, looked around and said - you are the size of "person B" over there. It was my turn to say, no way. Person B was much too thin to be me. But then, all three of my kids confirmed my husband's opinion. I still don't see it that way.