MFP troubleshooting

I keep trying to add my exercises ... I guess I do things differently than what's in the database. I go to "add exercise" from "my home" then I select "add exercise" just beneath "strength training." I then select the [database] tab which give me the option on the left portion of the screen of typing in an exercise and clicking [search] or on the right portion of the screen "...or choose an exercise below." I click the dropdown/menu arrow and select "circuit training, resistance" (I've attempted to type that in to the search database and get no results...?). I select that and then below that is another little dialogue box that depicts "how many calories did I burn?" and then there's my weight in pounds; I then enter the number of minutes and a calorie number is generated.
How does that number (of calories) and that exercise then get saved to my exercise diary?ddiwpl0lt6nk.png


  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,744 MFP Moderator
    Thanks for providing the screen shot. You are looking at the Exercise Database. You need to be on your Exercise Diary (look to the left of the word Database on the lower of the two menu bars). The database is just for searching. The Diary is for tracking. Hope that helps. :)
  • j9stagemgr
    j9stagemgr Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the response - - when I'm in the Diary, it's an endless loop. I did discover though digging through tons of message boards, that MFP does NOT record calories burned for Strength Training - - it HAS to be logged in under Cardiovascular! So, I made sh*! up and put it under Cardio and got some calories subtracted. Learning to manipulate the system!