Lightheaded/Loss of vision when I stand up?



  • KimiAR
    KimiAR Posts: 117 Member
    I have POTS and this has happened to me since I was 14 - I'm 34. I am
    Now on lexipro as that seems to help take the edge off. I also take a salt supplement. For some reason shoving chips in my face didn't appeal to me- even when I wasn't calorie restricting.
  • Fasaanya
    Fasaanya Posts: 300 Member
    I don't think it's your calorie range that is causing your problems. I water fast for weeks at a time without any negative effects. See a doctor.

    By mentioning that, when i tried water fasting for 3days i had lots of horrible side effects. I had nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, lack of sleep and that light-headed feeling when standing up.The bright side is that my skin got better, but I don't hope to get in that experience again. >.<

    Whenever i fast (16hours max.) I get that light-headed feeling. I believe it's because of lack of sodium, water consumption or because I didn't have a proper amount of cals the day before (less than 1000 for me). My sister, though, had that feeling before and got her eye-sight checked. Now she's wearing glasses :D it might be some kind of a similar problem.

    when i have that feeling, i try lifting my legs up (usually before standing) to get more blood into my head. It works!
  • Cyndo123
    Cyndo123 Posts: 1 Member
    Go to the doctor

    enough said.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 10,023 Member
    I started having that problem when I turned 13. I am 20 now. It had gotten to the point where I was passing out up to 7 times a day. I went to a cardiologist and was diagnosed with hypotension (low blood pressure upon standing). The doctor told me to eat more salt and drink more water. But it has been the salt that has really helped with the symptoms. Now I still get dizzy and lose vision upon standing, but I can't remember the last time I passed out.

    Salt has not helped me. I'm eating a fairly normal diet anyway and don't avoid salt. Things don't even improve after eating a whole bag of crisps. I'm drinking enough as well. My suspicion is it's related to how I sit. I prefer to sit cross legged or my legs folded behind me. When I stand up then blood 'falls' into my legs. I don't know... if I just sit the 'normal' way I'm extremely restless and fidget-y and calmer if I sit somewhat curled up. But why this plays a role only when not being overweight I don't know.
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