July 2016 Bike Cycling Bicycling Challenge



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I did 20.8 miles this morning, child-free. The heat is getting to me and I had to take a lot more breaks than usual.

  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Fri 01 - 4.77 miles
    Mon 04 - 28.88 miles
    Tue 05 - 35.34 miles
    Wed 06 - 20.00 miles
    Thu 07 - none
    Fri 08 - 33.44 miles
    Mon 11 - 33.68 miles
    Tue 12 - 19.99 miles
    Wed 13 - 41.56 miles.
    Thu 14 - none
    Fri 15 - 29.04 miles
    Sat 16 - 17.99 miles
    Mon 18 - no bike
    Tue 19 - no bike
    Wed 20 - unwell
    Thu 21 - 31.05 miles
    Fri 22 - 25.18 miles
    Mon 25 - 33.03 miles
    Tue 26 - 29.11 miles. Ride home was into persistent headwind for first half and persistent red traffic lights for the 2nd. Ride home was a bit of a plod into headwind, again, for the first half and then bit better in the 2nd - but given a gym session in the afternoon, legs coped fairly well. One near-death experience with a brain-dead car driver, but other than that, an OK day

    Target for July: was 500 miles, then dropped to 425 after my little disagreement with the car - now I think I might just about scrape 450

    MTD 383.06, YTD 1080.01
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    7/5 - 21 miles.
    7/6 - 23 miles
    7/11 - 28 miles
    7/12 - 27 miles
    7/13 - 23 miles
    7/14 - 10 miles
    7/15 - 23 miles
    7/18 - 28 miles
    7/19 - 27 miles
    7/20 - 17 miles
    7/21 - 17 miles
    7/22 - 28 miles
    7/24 - 5 miles
    7/25 - 23 miles
    7/26 - 28 miles - bike, swim, bike. 90 degrees. Tired but not exhausted.

    Month to date: 328 miles
    Year to date: 2370 miles
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Swapped cassettes on my city commuter bike today and things are shifting and staying in gear much better than before. I probably just needed to give the old one a thorough cleaning, but given the cost (tourney grade), and that I had the tools to do the swap myself (whip & lockring), I'm ok with just swapping out.

    Otherwise, just got in my ballpark commute tonight.

    7/1 - 28 miles
    7/3 - 51 miles
    7/5 - 52 miles
    7/6 - 35 miles
    7/7 - 32 miles
    7/8 - 46 miles
    7/9 - 50 miles
    7/10 - 13 miles
    7/11 - 44 miles
    7/13 - 33 miles
    7/14 - 17 miles
    7/15 - 30 miles
    7/17 - 50 miles
    7/18 - 7 miles
    7/19 - 39 miles
    7/20 - 24 miles
    7/21 - 19 miles
    7/22 - 11 miles
    7/23 - 51 miles
    7/24 - 11 miles
    7/25 - 12 miles
    7/26 - 10 miles

    Total: 665 miles
    Goal: 621 miles
  • RRRobison71
    RRRobison71 Posts: 56 Member
    7/1 18.01
    7/2 20.28
    7/3 36.20
    7/5 20.08
    7/9 17.95
    7/10 41.82
    7/12 13.26
    7/17 11.76
    7/18 23.84
    7/19 5.42
    7/20 21.42
    7/21 31.62
    7/22 18.26
    7/23 10.35
    7/25 16.99
    7/26 11.04 Back in Louisiana and met another rider. Ended up following each other on Strava.

    MTD: 318.12

    Jan: 49.93
    Feb: 177.8
    Mar: 279.94
    Apr: 198.79
    May: 110.02
    June: 238.86

    Total: 1055.34
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    Five weekends in July so should be a big mileage month! No particular target apart from a solo century ride from Winchester. Maybe next weekend, weather permitting.

    Saturday was (yet another...) changeable weather day so the planned long ride got a bit time-squeezed. Ended up getting hot, then wet & cold (cold enough to trigger my Raynauld's and lost all feeling in hands & feet for a while - in July!), then wet & hot when rain jacket turned into a sauna suit. Bit of sun, dull at times, calm then windy with wind direction constantly changing as showers rolled in.
    You know you have upset the weather gods when you get a headwind on the same stretch of road in opposite directions!
    45.6 miles @ 17.1 mph

    Today (Sunday) is a far better day. Did a couple of hills (working on my weak point), climb to Newlands Corner gave a spectacular view of Surrey's North Downs (The Downs are actually ups not downs...) 1 mile steady climb at 5% average.
    Pleased with a PR on Combe Lane which is just under a mile, averages 7% but gets really steep (17%) near the top.
    55.4 miles @ 16.4 mph

    101 miles for the weekend.

    Got three rides in this week:
    Took Thursday off work and headed to Surrey's well known Box Hill to have a play on quiet roads up/down/round the hill. Pleased to get PRs up and down Zig Zag Road.
    Beautiful weather and stunning views.


    41.3 miles and 2300' of elevation.

    62.8 miles on Saturday into high woodland - including seeing and hearing a guy in the middle of a clearing all by himself playing the bagpipes. Very surreal moment.

    22.2 local ride just to enjoy a nice summer Sunday evening.

    126.3 miles for the week.
    227.3 miles for the month.
    Work got in the way of any proper rides in the week but luckily the best weather landed on the weekend - yay!

    Monday - 4.8 miles local trip on my hybrid.

    Wednesday - 20.5 virtual miles doing hill intervals on an eSpinning bike. 2:30 minute intervals of fast flat, seated climb, standing climb.

    Saturday Part 1 - 39.4 miles into some fairly gentle hills.

    Saturday Part 2 - I found myself near the office I worked at five years ago and remembered I never quite managed to hit my goal of cycling home from there in under an hour. Reset Strava and gave it some welly!
    That goal's now ticked off, 16.6 miles in 56 minutes. Still improving when I "should" be getting slower. :smile: Ridiculously satisfied for something so trivial and pointless (I'm just a teensy bit self-competitive......).

    Sunday - 60.2 miles. Really hot and humid - had to stop to buy an extra litre of fluids but still feel dry. Gorgeous day to be out in the countryside.

    141.5 miles for the week
    368.8 miles for the month

    Tuesday - 22.2 local evening ride
    Wednesday - 21.8 virtual miles on eSpinning bike
    Friday - 76.7 very hilly miles
    Sunday - 100.3 miles

    I've had a goal of doing a century ride in under six hours for quite a while.... Today was supposed to be a stepping stone towards that by doing a four hour training ride at 17mph. But felt good so pushed on..... YEEEESSSSS!!!! 100 miles in 5:54

    221 miles for the week
    589.8 miles for the month.

    End of the cycling month for me as I'm away for a long weekend.
    22 miles on eSpinning bike.
    611.8 miles for the month.

    It's been a very good cycling month for me, interesting new places and routes found, new hills conquered, ticked off a big personal goal and Strava logged 157 personal records from the very enjoyable 37 hours in the saddle.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    I'm in for 250 miles again!

    07/02 - 13.00 miles
    07/03 - 15.00 miles
    07/04 - 13.00 miles
    07/07 - 12.25 miles
    07/09 - 15.75 miles
    07/10 - 12.00 miles...81.00 miles so far
    07/12 - 15.00 miles
    07/13 - 12.50 miles
    07/14 - 13.75 miles
    07/16 - 13.75 miles...136.00 miles so far
    07/19 - 14.00 miles
    07/20 - 15.00 miles
    07/21 - 15.00 miles
    07/25 - 16.75 miles...196.75 miles so far
    07/27 - 17.50 miles

  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    edited July 2016
    July 1st 50 Miles -- Duration 5:45:00 (Sovicille Loop to Radicondoli)
    July 7th 28 Miles -- Duration 4:00:00 (Greve Loop to Radda)
    July 9th 6.66 Miles -- Duration 00:57:39
    July 11th 26.7 Miles -- Duration 1:50:55
    July 15th 11.5 Miles -- Duration 1:00:22
    July 16th 7.5 Miles -- Duration 00:51:41
    July 17th 36.3 Miles -- Duration 2:47:31
    July 18th 12.0 Miles -- Duration 1:08:20
    July 20th 38.7 Miles -- Duration 2:37:04
    July 21st 12.5 Miles -- Duration 1:08:52
    July 22nd 18.8 Miles -- Duration 1:24:21
    July 23rd 8.09 Miles -- Duration 00:46:45
    July 24th 23.44 Miles -- Duration 2:06:02 (MTB Race)
    July 27th 13.8 Miles -- Duration 1:42:00

    July Total Miles: 293.99
    July Total Duration: 28:06:32
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Fri 01 - 4.77 miles
    Mon 04 - 28.88 miles
    Tue 05 - 35.34 miles
    Wed 06 - 20.00 miles
    Thu 07 - none
    Fri 08 - 33.44 miles
    Mon 11 - 33.68 miles
    Tue 12 - 19.99 miles
    Wed 13 - 41.56 miles.
    Thu 14 - none
    Fri 15 - 29.04 miles
    Sat 16 - 17.99 miles
    Mon 18 - no bike
    Tue 19 - no bike
    Wed 20 - unwell
    Thu 21 - 31.05 miles
    Fri 22 - 25.18 miles
    Mon 25 - 33.03 miles
    Tue 26 - 29.11 miles.
    Wed 27 - 30.51 miles. Soaked by lashing rain on the way into work, bit of a DOMS-hampered plod on the way home

    Target for July: was 500 miles, then dropped to 425 after my little disagreement with the car - now I think I might just about scrape 450

    MTD 413.57, YTD 1110.52
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    SteveCro wrote: »
    Ok maybe going to look dumb here I'm the only one that has not figured this out?? How do you see who liked or tagged awesome on your post. I've tried to click on the thumbs up or the heart and it just says you can't comment on your own post.

    Click the bell (notifications) at the top of the page next to the star. Select "See all notifications". When that page comes up, click Insightful. Scroll down ... and there they are. :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Happy Canada Day from a Canadian-Australian. :)

    Saturday 2 July -- 1186 metres (3891.076) of climbing, in 81.8 km of cycling, completed within 5.5 hours (elapsed time) and 4:35 moving time for an average speed of 17.8 km/h (moving time).

    The ride included a couple Category 4 climbs with various climbs in the 13-16% grade range.

    Starting temperature 12°C with a high of 14.7°C halfway through the ride. We had a headwind on the way out and tailwind on the way back, for the most part, with some odd, very chilly gusts now and then. It was mostly cloudy and looked like it was going to rain several times, but fortunately, that didn't happen. On the way back we were sure we were going to get caught in a rain squall, but it passed behind us and we just got a small blast of it.

    We started the ride about 12:30 pm so, since the sun sets at about 4:45, it was pitch black by the time we finished. A little night riding practice. For some reason climbing is so much more difficult in the dark.

    And we stopped for lunch at the halfway point. I had been looking forward to that, but unfortunately they were out of many choices (busy day what with the federal election), and what we ate (paninis with lots of spinach) didn't sit well at all. I was about 1 km out of the town on the way back when I started feeling very unsettled. And then about 8 or 9 km later we started a long, long climb (one of the cat 4 climbs) and by the time I got to the top, I was not feeling at all well. Fighting to keep things down. However, I took an electrolyte tablet and a Zantac, and that eased things a bit.

    The route mainly followed the coast so we had lots of beautiful views of water and green hills.

    There were lots of birds around ... a large flock of black cockatoos filled a tree next to where we parked at the start of the ride and we had to dodge and weave between the pine cones they were dropping from the tree ... we were being bombed! And during the ride, I spotted herons, oyster catchers, small gulls, large Pacific gulls, a cormorant airing its wings ... and most spectacular was a massive wedge-tail eagle which took flight from a tree next to the road, and flew across, right in front of Rowan. I don't think I've ever seen them that close, but Rowan has because they come onto the property where he works. In fact, just yesterday, he rescued a young one which had flown through the net over the orchard, and then had become stuck inside.

    Overall, it was a good, strenuous, training ride on a beautiful but quite hilly route. :)

    Oh, and I wore my new winter cycling boots for the first time. They're very comfortable but I will have to do something about drafts coming in around my ankles. And ... I need to install a cleat!! I forgot all about that and so had to ride with my platform pedals the whole way!! :lol:
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Elevation profile:
    Machka9 wrote:
    Review ...
    Distances include cycling + walking
    March: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    April: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    June: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July: 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug: 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep: 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov: 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec: 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min
    Jan: 864.79 km (537.35 miles) = 65 hours 36 min
    Feb: 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    March: 917.73 km (570.2 miles) = 66 hours 13 min
    April: 417.83 km (259.6 miles) = 40 hours 23 min
    May: 267.09 km (165.9 miles) = 36 hours 10 min
    June 552.1 km (343 miles) = 54 hours 48 min

    Well, let's see ... last July my distance and time took a nose-dive. Hopefully this year will be better than that!
    July 2 - 81.8 km cycling (250 min)
    July 3 - 32.1 km cycling (100 min)
    July Cycling Outside: 113.9 km (350 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 0 min
    July Walking: 2.5 km (30 min)
    July Stairs: 30 flights (24 min)
    July Time Total: 404 min = 6 hours 44 min
    July Distance Total: 116.4 km = 72.3 miles
    July 9 - 100 km cycling (315 minutes)
    July 12 - 4 km walking (50 min) + 15 flights of stairs (12 min)+ 45 min on my bicycle on the trainer + about 5 min of core work/weightlifting

    Last week, I was battling food poisoning acquired at lunch on the 81.8 km mentioned above ... and then an unrelated allergic reaction to an antibiotic. I had all sorts of plans for great workouts last week ... and barely managed to get some walking in.

    Then we went up north for a 3-day weekend and were intending to do 3 days of cycling, but the weather had different plans. It's winter here and very wet, cold, and unpredictable. But we did get one good ride in! :) And it was a good ride ... the fastest 100 km I've done in years!

    Back on the trainer this week.
    July Cycling Outside: 213.9 km (665 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 45 min
    July Walking: 34.4 km (425 min)
    July Stairs: 140 flights (112 min)
    July Weightlifting: 20 min
    July Time Total: 1267 min = 21 hours 7 min
    July Distance Total: 248.3 km = 154.3 miles
    July 13 - 3 km walking (35 min) + 15 flights of stairs (12 min) + 50 min on my bicycle on the trainer + about 10 min of core work/weightlifting
    July 14 - 1 km walking (12 min) + 30 flights of stairs (24 min) + 54 min on my bicycle on the trainer + about 10 min of core work/weightlifting

    Me on my trainer and my husband on rollers ... at least we're getting some sort of cycling in.
    July Cycling Outside: 213.9 km (665 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 194 min
    July Walking: 38.4 km (472 min)
    July Stairs: 185 flights (148 min)
    July Weightlifting: 40 min
    July Time Total: 1519 min = 25 hours 19 min
    July Distance Total: 252.3 km = 156.8 miles
    Saturday 16 July -- 164.9 km training ride.

    We did a 200K mid-June, and wanted to do a long ride mid-July too, so we decided to ride a century today. :)

    Plan A took us to a location that got snow earlier this week and then flooded. We decided to do a different route.

    Plan B had us doing a Y-shaped route, starting at the bottom of the Y and going out the left side first, then the right, and back to the bottom of the Y. But mid-ride we changed our minds, and decided to do a section in the middle of the Y twice rather than the right segment. That worked out all right.

    Our route started with a long climb up and over the hill into the city. Then the middle section of the route was relatively flat, by comparison. And the route ended with a long climb up and over the hill to our suburb.

    It was about 12.5°C when we started, got to a high of 16.4°C, and then cooled down to 8.3°C by the end of the day ... with some particularly cold spots on the last climb and during that descent, after dark. But, for a change, it was sunny all day! In fact, it had something of a spring-like feel. It's still the middle of winter, but after all the cold and miserable weather we've had, it's nice to have a spring-like day. But it was windy ... 22-30 km/h with gusts as high as 48 km/h.

    We started the ride about 8:30 am, after the 7:00-8:10 am recap of last night's live coverage of the TDF Time Trial. Priorities! :grin:

    Moments after we started, I had trouble with my cassette shifters. Sometimes I couldn't shift ... the shifter would move freely but nothing would happen. Sometimes when I would try to shift into a smaller ring, both shifters (brake and shifter) would move, and nothing would happen. More frequently, I could do the shift, but the shifter wouldn't return. I decided I would just deal with it until we got into the city.

    We climbed up and over into the city and stopped for a quick break before riding out the Cycleway. Shortly after we got going on the Cycleway, we stopped at a hardware store to get oil to see if that would help my shifters. It might have made some difference, but then Rowan turned one little screw, and it was all good!

    For some reason, people like smashing bottles on the Cycleway Friday nights, so we had to dodge patches of broken glass here and there. :rage: But on the bright side, there were a lot of cyclist on and near the Cycleway today. I don't know if I've ever seen so many cyclists out and about. I guess everyone decided to get out and enjoy our brief glimpse of spring! In fact, one cycled and chatted with Rowan for some distance.

    We continued on to New Norfolk, across the bridge and along the rather flooded Derwent river for about 12 km before pulling a U-turn and returning to New Norfolk. I like that stretch of road along the Derwent ... it's scenic, and we could see snow covered mountains in the distance. We had lunch in New Norfolk - both of us had cauliflower and cheese pies (one of my favourites) and Rowan had a sort of custard pie with fruit for dessert while I had mud cake. :)

    There had been a headwind all the way out to where we turned around, so going back was great! We flew along (and set several personal bests on Strava). Next thing we knew, we were back on the Cycleway and flying back to the start of the Cycleway.

    We stopped there, again, and made up bottles of Ensure. Part of the training ride was to try out possible nutrition solutions for long stretches of longer rides with no services. The Ensure worked well ... tasted good and provided energy and electrolytes.

    Back to the end of Cycleway, against the wind, and back to the start again, with a tailwind .... but a dying tailwind, so we weren't flying anymore.

    And then it was homeward bound. Through the city, and then up and up and up. The sun set while we were making our way through the city, and so partway up, we stopped so I could take a ginger tablet. I have found that climbing in the dark makes me feel a bit sea sick with the swaying light. Ginger tablets work for other "sea sick" situations, so we thought I might try one for this ... and it seemed to work. I climbed the hill in the dark, and no sea sick feeling.

    Then a quick descent into our suburb, another climb as we cycled through the suburb, and another descent to home.

    Distance: 164.9km
    Moving Time: 8:54:36
    Total time: 10:17:33
    Elevation Gain: 1,767m

    July 15 - 3.1 km walking (35 min) + 30 flights of stairs (24 min)
    July 16 - 164.9 km cycling (520 min) (see above)
    July 17 - 3.5 km walking (40 min)
    July Cycling Outside: 378.8 km (1185 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 194 min
    July Walking: 45 km (547 min)
    July Stairs: 215 flights (172 min)
    July Weightlifting: 40 min
    July Time Total: 2138 min = 35 hours 38 min
    July Distance Total: 423.8 km = 263.3 miles

    Sunday -- 100.1 km ride in the afternoon and evening (after dark) | 725 metres (2378.6 feet) of climbing | Total time: 6 hours 19 minutes | Moving speed: 18.9 km/h

    The wind wasn't too bad and the sun came out now and then. The high for the day reached 9.5C ... and then dropped to 2.1 by the end of the ride. That was a little chilly!

    This was a training ride as we're adjusting things and testing things for longer rides.
    • Our new reflective vests worked well.
    • My new boots worked well ... until the temp dropped below 4C.
    • My gloves aren't quite warm enough under 4C either.
    • Our clothing layers were good.
    • The chocolate Ensure provided most of our energy quite adequately.

    July 23 - 10 min walking + 55 min running = 8 km in 65 min + 2.6 km rowing (16 min)
    July 24 - 100.1 km cycling (315 min)

    July Cycling Outside: 478.9 km (1500 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 194 min
    July Walking: 75.2 km (877 min)
    July Stairs: 235 flights (188 min)
    July Weightlifting: 80 min
    July Rowing: 2.6 km (16 min)
    July Time Total: 2855 min = 47 hours 35 min
    July Distance Total: 556.7 km = 345.9 miles

    July 25 - 2.7 km walking (30 min)

    July 26 - 5.3 km walking (65 min) + 5 flights of stairs (4 min) + weightlifting (20 min) + 30 minutes on my bicycle on the trainer

    July 27 - 4 km walking (50 min) + 5 flights of stairs (4 min)

    July Cycling Outside: 478.9 km (1500 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 224 min

    July Walking: 87.2 km (1022 min)
    July Stairs: 245 flights (196 min)
    July Weightlifting: 100 min
    July Rowing: 2.6 km (16 min)
    July Time Total: 3058 min = 50 hours 58 min
    July Distance Total: 568.7 km = 353.4 miles

  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    QUESTION FOR ROAD RIDERS: I am in decent riding shape, I usually do a few century rides a year, and have been doing at least one Bike MS 150 (2-day rides) for the past 15 years. My 2nd Bike MS is coming up the 1st weekend in August. I haven't been riding much in the past 2 months, haven't even been getting my usual 65 commuting miles a week in. Did just 30 miles each last Saturday and Sunday. Figured I'd just take a short route option, who cares. Well, suddenly I have the urge to do the century. I've done centuries without training before. I'll just be super tired the next day. My question for you is, what should my last long ride this weekend be? Should I do 80 miles and try to wake my body up to longer rides, or should I do 50 in hopes to preserve energy one week before the ride?
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    edited July 2016
    Fri 01 - 4.77 miles
    Mon 04 - 28.88 miles
    Tue 05 - 35.34 miles
    Wed 06 - 20.00 miles
    Thu 07 - none
    Fri 08 - 33.44 miles
    Mon 11 - 33.68 miles
    Tue 12 - 19.99 miles
    Wed 13 - 41.56 miles.
    Thu 14 - none
    Fri 15 - 29.04 miles
    Sat 16 - 17.99 miles
    Mon 18 - no bike
    Tue 19 - no bike
    Wed 20 - unwell
    Thu 21 - 31.05 miles
    Fri 22 - 25.18 miles
    Mon 25 - 33.03 miles
    Tue 26 - 29.11 miles.
    Wed 27 - 30.51 miles.
    Thu 28 - 28.43 miles (was actually about half a mile more, but Garmin wouldn't sync to GPS at the start of the ride home). Skipped the gym this afternoon to save my legs for the ride home, and was much better. May do the reverse tomorrow, I'll see how I feel when I get up.

    Target for July: was 500 miles, then dropped to 425 after losing 3 cycling days - now I think I might just about scrape 450

    MTD 442.00, YTD 1138.95
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    amandaeve wrote: »
    QUESTION FOR ROAD RIDERS: I am in decent riding shape, I usually do a few century rides a year, and have been doing at least one Bike MS 150 (2-day rides) for the past 15 years. My 2nd Bike MS is coming up the 1st weekend in August. I haven't been riding much in the past 2 months, haven't even been getting my usual 65 commuting miles a week in. Did just 30 miles each last Saturday and Sunday. Figured I'd just take a short route option, who cares. Well, suddenly I have the urge to do the century. I've done centuries without training before. I'll just be super tired the next day. My question for you is, what should my last long ride this weekend be? Should I do 80 miles and try to wake my body up to longer rides, or should I do 50 in hopes to preserve energy one week before the ride?

    Personally, I'd go with 50-60 on Saturday and 40-50 on Sunday ... and try to get a couple decent rides in on Monday and Tuesday as well, maybe 20-30. Then taper off.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Happy Canada Day from a Canadian-Australian. :)

    Saturday 2 July -- 1186 metres (3891.076) of climbing, in 81.8 km of cycling, completed within 5.5 hours (elapsed time) and 4:35 moving time for an average speed of 17.8 km/h (moving time).

    The ride included a couple Category 4 climbs with various climbs in the 13-16% grade range.

    Starting temperature 12°C with a high of 14.7°C halfway through the ride. We had a headwind on the way out and tailwind on the way back, for the most part, with some odd, very chilly gusts now and then. It was mostly cloudy and looked like it was going to rain several times, but fortunately, that didn't happen. On the way back we were sure we were going to get caught in a rain squall, but it passed behind us and we just got a small blast of it.

    We started the ride about 12:30 pm so, since the sun sets at about 4:45, it was pitch black by the time we finished. A little night riding practice. For some reason climbing is so much more difficult in the dark.

    And we stopped for lunch at the halfway point. I had been looking forward to that, but unfortunately they were out of many choices (busy day what with the federal election), and what we ate (paninis with lots of spinach) didn't sit well at all. I was about 1 km out of the town on the way back when I started feeling very unsettled. And then about 8 or 9 km later we started a long, long climb (one of the cat 4 climbs) and by the time I got to the top, I was not feeling at all well. Fighting to keep things down. However, I took an electrolyte tablet and a Zantac, and that eased things a bit.

    The route mainly followed the coast so we had lots of beautiful views of water and green hills.

    There were lots of birds around ... a large flock of black cockatoos filled a tree next to where we parked at the start of the ride and we had to dodge and weave between the pine cones they were dropping from the tree ... we were being bombed! And during the ride, I spotted herons, oyster catchers, small gulls, large Pacific gulls, a cormorant airing its wings ... and most spectacular was a massive wedge-tail eagle which took flight from a tree next to the road, and flew across, right in front of Rowan. I don't think I've ever seen them that close, but Rowan has because they come onto the property where he works. In fact, just yesterday, he rescued a young one which had flown through the net over the orchard, and then had become stuck inside.

    Overall, it was a good, strenuous, training ride on a beautiful but quite hilly route. :)

    Oh, and I wore my new winter cycling boots for the first time. They're very comfortable but I will have to do something about drafts coming in around my ankles. And ... I need to install a cleat!! I forgot all about that and so had to ride with my platform pedals the whole way!! :lol:
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Elevation profile:
    Machka9 wrote:
    Review ...
    Distances include cycling + walking
    March: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    April: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    June: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July: 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug: 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep: 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov: 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec: 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min
    Jan: 864.79 km (537.35 miles) = 65 hours 36 min
    Feb: 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    March: 917.73 km (570.2 miles) = 66 hours 13 min
    April: 417.83 km (259.6 miles) = 40 hours 23 min
    May: 267.09 km (165.9 miles) = 36 hours 10 min
    June 552.1 km (343 miles) = 54 hours 48 min

    Well, let's see ... last July my distance and time took a nose-dive. Hopefully this year will be better than that!
    July 2 - 81.8 km cycling (250 min)
    July 3 - 32.1 km cycling (100 min)
    July Cycling Outside: 113.9 km (350 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 0 min
    July Walking: 2.5 km (30 min)
    July Stairs: 30 flights (24 min)
    July Time Total: 404 min = 6 hours 44 min
    July Distance Total: 116.4 km = 72.3 miles
    July 9 - 100 km cycling (315 minutes)
    July 12 - 4 km walking (50 min) + 15 flights of stairs (12 min)+ 45 min on my bicycle on the trainer + about 5 min of core work/weightlifting

    Last week, I was battling food poisoning acquired at lunch on the 81.8 km mentioned above ... and then an unrelated allergic reaction to an antibiotic. I had all sorts of plans for great workouts last week ... and barely managed to get some walking in.

    Then we went up north for a 3-day weekend and were intending to do 3 days of cycling, but the weather had different plans. It's winter here and very wet, cold, and unpredictable. But we did get one good ride in! :) And it was a good ride ... the fastest 100 km I've done in years!

    Back on the trainer this week.
    July Cycling Outside: 213.9 km (665 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 45 min
    July Walking: 34.4 km (425 min)
    July Stairs: 140 flights (112 min)
    July Weightlifting: 20 min
    July Time Total: 1267 min = 21 hours 7 min
    July Distance Total: 248.3 km = 154.3 miles
    July 13 - 3 km walking (35 min) + 15 flights of stairs (12 min) + 50 min on my bicycle on the trainer + about 10 min of core work/weightlifting
    July 14 - 1 km walking (12 min) + 30 flights of stairs (24 min) + 54 min on my bicycle on the trainer + about 10 min of core work/weightlifting

    Me on my trainer and my husband on rollers ... at least we're getting some sort of cycling in.
    July Cycling Outside: 213.9 km (665 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 194 min
    July Walking: 38.4 km (472 min)
    July Stairs: 185 flights (148 min)
    July Weightlifting: 40 min
    July Time Total: 1519 min = 25 hours 19 min
    July Distance Total: 252.3 km = 156.8 miles
    Saturday 16 July -- 164.9 km training ride.

    We did a 200K mid-June, and wanted to do a long ride mid-July too, so we decided to ride a century today. :)

    Plan A took us to a location that got snow earlier this week and then flooded. We decided to do a different route.

    Plan B had us doing a Y-shaped route, starting at the bottom of the Y and going out the left side first, then the right, and back to the bottom of the Y. But mid-ride we changed our minds, and decided to do a section in the middle of the Y twice rather than the right segment. That worked out all right.

    Our route started with a long climb up and over the hill into the city. Then the middle section of the route was relatively flat, by comparison. And the route ended with a long climb up and over the hill to our suburb.

    It was about 12.5°C when we started, got to a high of 16.4°C, and then cooled down to 8.3°C by the end of the day ... with some particularly cold spots on the last climb and during that descent, after dark. But, for a change, it was sunny all day! In fact, it had something of a spring-like feel. It's still the middle of winter, but after all the cold and miserable weather we've had, it's nice to have a spring-like day. But it was windy ... 22-30 km/h with gusts as high as 48 km/h.

    We started the ride about 8:30 am, after the 7:00-8:10 am recap of last night's live coverage of the TDF Time Trial. Priorities! :grin:

    Moments after we started, I had trouble with my cassette shifters. Sometimes I couldn't shift ... the shifter would move freely but nothing would happen. Sometimes when I would try to shift into a smaller ring, both shifters (brake and shifter) would move, and nothing would happen. More frequently, I could do the shift, but the shifter wouldn't return. I decided I would just deal with it until we got into the city.

    We climbed up and over into the city and stopped for a quick break before riding out the Cycleway. Shortly after we got going on the Cycleway, we stopped at a hardware store to get oil to see if that would help my shifters. It might have made some difference, but then Rowan turned one little screw, and it was all good!

    For some reason, people like smashing bottles on the Cycleway Friday nights, so we had to dodge patches of broken glass here and there. :rage: But on the bright side, there were a lot of cyclist on and near the Cycleway today. I don't know if I've ever seen so many cyclists out and about. I guess everyone decided to get out and enjoy our brief glimpse of spring! In fact, one cycled and chatted with Rowan for some distance.

    We continued on to New Norfolk, across the bridge and along the rather flooded Derwent river for about 12 km before pulling a U-turn and returning to New Norfolk. I like that stretch of road along the Derwent ... it's scenic, and we could see snow covered mountains in the distance. We had lunch in New Norfolk - both of us had cauliflower and cheese pies (one of my favourites) and Rowan had a sort of custard pie with fruit for dessert while I had mud cake. :)

    There had been a headwind all the way out to where we turned around, so going back was great! We flew along (and set several personal bests on Strava). Next thing we knew, we were back on the Cycleway and flying back to the start of the Cycleway.

    We stopped there, again, and made up bottles of Ensure. Part of the training ride was to try out possible nutrition solutions for long stretches of longer rides with no services. The Ensure worked well ... tasted good and provided energy and electrolytes.

    Back to the end of Cycleway, against the wind, and back to the start again, with a tailwind .... but a dying tailwind, so we weren't flying anymore.

    And then it was homeward bound. Through the city, and then up and up and up. The sun set while we were making our way through the city, and so partway up, we stopped so I could take a ginger tablet. I have found that climbing in the dark makes me feel a bit sea sick with the swaying light. Ginger tablets work for other "sea sick" situations, so we thought I might try one for this ... and it seemed to work. I climbed the hill in the dark, and no sea sick feeling.

    Then a quick descent into our suburb, another climb as we cycled through the suburb, and another descent to home.

    Distance: 164.9km
    Moving Time: 8:54:36
    Total time: 10:17:33
    Elevation Gain: 1,767m

    July 15 - 3.1 km walking (35 min) + 30 flights of stairs (24 min)
    July 16 - 164.9 km cycling (520 min) (see above)
    July 17 - 3.5 km walking (40 min)
    July Cycling Outside: 378.8 km (1185 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 194 min
    July Walking: 45 km (547 min)
    July Stairs: 215 flights (172 min)
    July Weightlifting: 40 min
    July Time Total: 2138 min = 35 hours 38 min
    July Distance Total: 423.8 km = 263.3 miles

    Sunday -- 100.1 km ride in the afternoon and evening (after dark) | 725 metres (2378.6 feet) of climbing | Total time: 6 hours 19 minutes | Moving speed: 18.9 km/h

    The wind wasn't too bad and the sun came out now and then. The high for the day reached 9.5C ... and then dropped to 2.1 by the end of the ride. That was a little chilly!

    This was a training ride as we're adjusting things and testing things for longer rides.
    • Our new reflective vests worked well.
    • My new boots worked well ... until the temp dropped below 4C.
    • My gloves aren't quite warm enough under 4C either.
    • Our clothing layers were good.
    • The chocolate Ensure provided most of our energy quite adequately.

    July 23 - 10 min walking + 55 min running = 8 km in 65 min + 2.6 km rowing (16 min)
    July 24 - 100.1 km cycling (315 min)

    July Cycling Outside: 478.9 km (1500 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 194 min
    July Walking: 75.2 km (877 min)
    July Stairs: 235 flights (188 min)
    July Weightlifting: 80 min
    July Rowing: 2.6 km (16 min)
    July Time Total: 2855 min = 47 hours 35 min
    July Distance Total: 556.7 km = 345.9 miles

    July 25 - 2.7 km walking (30 min)
    July 26 - 5.3 km walking (65 min) + 5 flights of stairs (4 min) + weightlifting (20 min) + 30 minutes on my bicycle on the trainer
    July 27 - 4 km walking (50 min) + 5 flights of stairs (4 min)

    July Cycling Outside: 478.9 km (1500 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 224 min

    July Walking: 87.2 km (1022 min)
    July Stairs: 245 flights (196 min)
    July Weightlifting: 100 min
    July Rowing: 2.6 km (16 min)
    July Time Total: 3058 min = 50 hours 58 min
    July Distance Total: 568.7 km = 353.4 miles

    July 28 - 3.8 km walking (45 min) + 21 km cycling outside (65 min)

    July Cycling Outside: 499.9 km (1565 min)
    July Cycling Inside: 224 min
    July Walking: 91 km (1067 min)
    July Stairs: 245 flights (196 min)
    July Weightlifting: 100 min
    July Rowing: 2.6 km (16 min)
    July Time Total: 3168 min = 52 hours 48 min
    July Distance Total: 593.5 km = 368.8 miles

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    A couple of communtes since my last post:
    22/7/2016 9.7km work and back
    25/7/2016 21.6km work and extra-long (~15km) way back
    26/7/2016 14.1 km to work - supermarket - home
    28/7/2016 11.8 km work and back
    200.2 km (of 150km goal) done - guess I'll up my goal a little for the next month :)
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    Leaving today on family vacation. Be gone for 8 days, so no riding for me for awhile. Hope I can keep my eating under control, and remember to open the app every day to keep my steak going. Signing off for a week MFP friends.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    July 1st 50 Miles -- Duration 5:45:00 (Sovicille Loop to Radicondoli)
    July 7th 28 Miles -- Duration 4:00:00 (Greve Loop to Radda)
    July 9th 6.66 Miles -- Duration 00:57:39
    July 11th 26.7 Miles -- Duration 1:50:55
    July 15th 11.5 Miles -- Duration 1:00:22
    July 16th 7.5 Miles -- Duration 00:51:41
    July 17th 36.3 Miles -- Duration 2:47:31
    July 18th 12.0 Miles -- Duration 1:08:20
    July 20th 38.7 Miles -- Duration 2:37:04
    July 21st 12.5 Miles -- Duration 1:08:52
    July 22nd 18.8 Miles -- Duration 1:24:21
    July 23rd 8.09 Miles -- Duration 00:46:45
    July 24th 23.44 Miles -- Duration 2:06:02 (MTB Race)
    July 27th 13.8 Miles -- Duration 1:42:00
    July 28th 5.29 Miles -- Duration 00:35:15

    July Total Miles: 299.28
    July Total Duration: 28:41:47
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    7/5 - 21 miles.
    7/6 - 23 miles
    7/11 - 28 miles
    7/12 - 27 miles
    7/13 - 23 miles
    7/14 - 10 miles
    7/15 - 23 miles
    7/18 - 28 miles
    7/19 - 27 miles
    7/20 - 17 miles
    7/21 - 17 miles
    7/22 - 28 miles
    7/24 - 5 miles
    7/25 - 23 miles
    7/26 - 28 miles
    7/28 - 23 miles
    7/29 - 23 miles - did a great job avoiding running Wednesday through Friday. Currently saturday morning and trapped at work, but I'm hoping to get out and ride and then run this evening.

    Month to date: 369 miles
    Year to date: 2416 miles

  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Didn't ride yesterday, and not going to this weekend, so final numbers are MTD 442.00, YTD 1138.95. Not quite was I was hoping for, but slightly more than last month, so I'll live with that. Roll on August!