The aftermath of a binge

I've been struggling so much this past month on living a healthier life. For a while I completely stopped tracking food, then I started tracking more and continually went over. I've even raised my calories so I would lose 1.5 lbs a week rather than 2. And I still have a hard time staying under calories. I've lost 20 lbs, gained 5 back and am back to my low weight. But it's like I'm stuck here. It's not a matter of not wanting it enough. There are so many physical things that I find myself yearning to do but can't because of my size, and my clothes are fitting so much better already. But somehow, I just cannot stop binge eating. I don't know what I'm searching for with this post, or if I just needed to get it off my chest and hope for a few words of encouragement. All I know is that it's not even noon, and I'm over my calories for the day. And I feel pretty crappy about that.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Sounds like you're eating your feelings - something I am doing A LOT right now, so I know how you feel!

    Think about why your binging and work on addressing the underlying issues. Good luck!
  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    Are you eating because you're actually hungry or because you're trying to fulfill/stop an emotion, or both?

    If you're actually hungry, it may be because you're not eating enough of the macronutrients that keep you full: protein, fat, and fiber. Your diary isn't open, so I'm not sure if that's the problem, but play around with increasing the set percentages that MFP gives you and see if that helps. Once I increased my protein and fiber intake, I was able to stay full for a longer time, and can get by with a responsible snack between meals.

    If you're eating to deal with your emotions, I strongly suggest you look not only to the MFP community for support, but a face-to-face group if you have access. There are private support therapies you can pay for, but I have heard good things about Overeaters Anonymous. In addition, it couldn't hurt to seek out a therapist who specializes in eating disorders.

    I know it's hard and frustrating and exhausting and maddening, but you can do this. It will take time, and you will not see steady losses (almost no one does), but you can reach your goals.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I got fat because I lost 10 family members in six years and experienced a lot of rejection. Recovery from that made a HUGE difference. Now I suddenly realize that there are things to do other than eat! And eat and eat and eat! And eat SO MUCH!

    It's summertime so I am going to festivals where I can dance, listening to lectures of other ways of life, learn to cook better, take puppy to a pool party, clean out my house, etc. Find something EXCITING to do.