Will I Ever Crack This?

ohmygod45 Posts: 21 Member
I am no further forward than in February! I planned to loose 2lb a week and changed this to 1lb a week but haven't achieved any! I even did the couch 2 5k. I have a fit bit to motivate me to move more and according to my diary I should have lost loads. Not been watching what I eat for 3 weeks and have gained 7lb!!! This is the story of my life, try hard and loose very little, stop trying and gain loads.


  • Do you possibly have a thyroid problem? I only ask because this is what happened to my friend. She would eat right, do exercise videos while her son napped and walk 2+ miles a night and she lost about 3 lbs in 3 months. She finally had her thyroid tested and it turns out that was the problem.
  • ohmygod45
    ohmygod45 Posts: 21 Member
    I have a borderline thyroid, it is the low end of normal but not "treatable" as such.I am struggling to know what to do next. I have identified a snack habit when filling up the car with fuel, chocolate is a bigger weakness for me than I thought and I have found that out through tracking. I am still under my daily calories though
  • slimmer189
    slimmer189 Posts: 135 Member
    I am also using the fitbit and back to tracking which always starts off really good in the beginning. I sometimes get detrailed when I do not see success right off which is what is currently happening. If I am holding steading then calories in must equal calories out so I think that I need to ramp up my exercise in order to see results. I did have a check up and all is well there. Feel free to add me