How to reverse the damage of a binge.

I binged on 5 130 cal granola bars, sweet bread, ice cream cone and 1 banana. Will the weight pack on tomorrow? I can't sleep because I have an event and I just binged the night before. I had some chips and I thought I blew it so I ate more. There's going to be a lot of junk and calorie dense foods tomorrow as it is a potluck. I want to avoid a binge tomorrow, but I'm worried that I'll think that it's ok to binge because I messed up my diet today. I did well this week except two days ago where I binged, but most of the time I work out and eat healthy and lost weight


  • Char231023
    Char231023 Posts: 700 Member
    You can't reverse that damage. Just move on start fresh now.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    A binge is eating way too many calories. You reverse that damage by eating fewer calories, i.e. staying within your calorie goals (NOT starving yourself).