I wanted to be alive to see my son grow...

My motivation was just as the title suggests. Over the course of my life I have been on many diets and yo-yo'd all over with my first diet starting at the age of 12.

This time is different. I am a single mother of a 9 year old boy and I couldn't keep up. Being a single parent makes you the mother and father so work is doubled. I realized that I was so tired all the time, I would get winded just walking up 3-5 steps and my heart was always pumping so fast.

I knew it was the extra weight. In May, I weighed in at 245, 5 feet 4 inches.

I cut out the carbs. No bread, no pasta, no rice, no tortillas, no carbs! I still ate fruits but kept it to a minimum but my veggie and chicken intake increased immensely. I also cut out the sweets but that kind went hand in hand with cutting out carbs. For instance, I couldn't have the piece of pie at the end of my meal because of the carbs in the crust so the pie was out completely. I remember about 6 weeks into losing this weight, I had a few bites of a cake and the sugary frosting gave me the worse headache that I said never again!

I also started moving. I'm doing 25 minutes of power walking and 10 minutes of weight training, 5-6 times a week.

I am currently at 23 lbs lost and my goal is for a total of 100 lbs lost.

My motivation this time was that I wanted to see my son grow. I wanted to be able to keep up. I did not want diabetes which runs in my family as does cancer (breast and colon), obesity (and over eating), digestion problems and alzheimer's.

I felt, in my gut, that by cutting at least 60 lbs from my body I was cutting my chance to get alot of these ailments. Even so, I would feel a lot better and I would be able to keep up with my kid.

We'll see how this turns out and if I keep it as a life time commitment because that is what it is!


  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Hi Claudia!! I'm also a mom of 2 and want to be active like them. If you put your mind to it and find a good support system, you WILL reach your goals. Feel free to add me, I have a women's support group if you would like to join us. Be Well and believe in yourself.
  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    Way to go on losing 23lbs. I would like to lose 100 total as well, but I am taking it one day at a time. I have now lost 52lbs since March 23rd. It seems like it's harder to follow MFP during the summer, because of picnic's and holidays, but I really try to do my best, and try to count everything. If you would like to be friends and motivate each other friend me.

  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    That is the best reason I've heard for losing weight, thus far.

    Great job on your loss!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    A large part of my motivation was also my kids. The problem is that even as I've dramatically improved my endurance they're still kicking my *kitten* and they're only 3 and 7! lol

    The only piece of advice I have is once you have a handle on things you can eat the foods you want so long as you do it in moderation. Carbs don't have to be the enemy. Remember you have a lifetime of eating and enjoyment ahead of you. Don't make it a chore anymore than it has to be.

    Keep on working hard and good luck!
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    Way to go Claudia! I love your motivation and dedication! I know you will do this! Xoxo
  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    awesome you are on your way!! you can def do it!
  • ClaudiaBette
    ClaudiaBette Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!

    My son is also my little pep squad. The other day, he dropped his spoon when I got him ice cream and I quickly bent down and picked it up off the ground. He said " wow you move FAST now!"

    Nothing but love for that kid!
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Are you planning on cutting carbs forever? Never gonna eat the foods you may love again? Try to think of sustainable habits for your new lifestyle. Carbs don't have to be the enemy! Embrace the foods you like in moderation. :smile:

    Other than that, congrats on your loss and all the best for your continued health.
  • ClaudiaBette
    ClaudiaBette Posts: 38 Member
    Are you planning on cutting carbs forever? Never gonna eat the foods you may love again?

    Actually, yeah I do. I'm liking how this is feeling better than any piece of sourdough bread ever tasted...so yup! Bread and over eating were my main enemies. I will still enjoy wheat wraps and the like.
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    That's great that you're feeling so much better and committing to being active!:flowerforyou: Congratulations! You may want to consider getting your B vitamins in through powdered wheat germ or omega 3 rich ground flaxseed meal or a good multiviamin or B-6 and B-12 supplement. The flaxseed meal I use only 1-2 Tablespoons a day.:wink: I,m chickened out so have been trying frozen fish fillets(talapia,salmon, and swai which is like catfish). There's directions on the bag either to cook them in the oven or microwave. I usually put dried, grated parmesan cheese, cayenne pepper and black pepper on them. I tried grated fresh ginger root on the salmon and liked it. Good luck to you and your son.
  • ClaudiaBette
    ClaudiaBette Posts: 38 Member
    You may want to consider getting your B vitamins in through powdered wheat germ or omega 3 rich ground flaxseed meal or a good multiviamin or B-6 and B-12 supplement.

    I get my B-6 and B-12....don't worry. I'm not going to say how though because every time I do, I get put down tremendously and it makes me want to punch a wall. But I get all my vitamins.

    And Iove the pictures of the kitties!