Female-5'7-143lbs WHY do I still have a 34 inch waist?

Ugh....I have lost 102 pounds since January of 2012 and am currently 143 pounds but my measurements are

Neck - 12 inches
Chest - 36.5 inches
Shoulders - 14 inches
Waist - 34 inches
Hips - 38 inches
Biceps - 10 inches each
Thighs - 18 inches each
Calfs - 13.5 inches each

BMI: 22.4%
Body fat: 23.7%

135 lbs is currently my goal weight. I am getting really frustrated as to why my waist isn't really budging. I have a nutritionist and eat about 1,000 calories a day (20 g of fat a day or less, 50 g of carbs a day (give or take) and about 97 g of protein all together a day). I also have a personal trainer who I work with for 30 minutes twice a week and go to a spin class for one hour once a week. I am currently wearing about a size 10 in dress pants and about an 11 in jeans...I really want to be a size 9 jeans and 8 in dress pants by August 20th (I will be going to Florida)...

Does anyone have any recommendations or any idea whyyyyyyyyy my waist is the only thing not moving? I keep losing weight (about 1-2 lbs a week) but as you can see my waist doesn't want to cooperate and I am desperate to get down to at least a 30 inch waist.

Thank you in advance :)


  • julesk_fit
    Try to maintain a diet of lean meats, non-starchy vegetables,low glycemic fruit and small amount of whole grains. Only water as a beverage, you can have tea or coffee as long as you do not add sugar or too much milk/cream. Eliminate white flour and sugar. Long term this diet is not much fun but it is tolerable short term. I've done this for 6-8 week period. Now I keep my refined carbs to a minimum and only have a sweet snack once a week.
  • granitendirt
    I'm not a nutritionist, or trainer, or anything of the sort. But, perhaps it's just your genetics? An example for myself is that I'm 159 lbs, my waist is 28", but my calves are 16". From my experience, no matter how small I get (lowest adult weight was 135), my calves stay roughly that size. Or perhaps, when you lose the last of the weight that you want to, it'll come from your stomach area.
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    Where does your goal of a 30 inch waist come from? It could just be that your body shape is what it is. Not everyone is going to be an hourglass.
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    humans lose the weight in their stomach area last, because it's "needed" to cushion the organs, and don't forget the organs themselves! it's probably genetics. i will always have a big butt and thick legs. the size of your pants only matters to you. people's opinions wouldn't change if you were a size 8 vs a 10. only you'd know the difference..

    don't forget to appreciate the amazing work you've done so far!! you've done an amazing thing, don't let a couple inches kill your spirit. :)
  • marniekerr
    marniekerr Posts: 63 Member
    What are your sodium numbers like? Sodium makes you retain water and bloating, which usually happens around the waist. I cut my sodium levels back and my waist measurements changed quite a lot.
  • JAGWIRE13579
    If you've lost over 100lbs I would expect you have some extra skin. I would also think part of it is genetics. Are your hormones at a normal level? Women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome tend to have abnormally large abdomens, early onset menopause can cause waist thickening. And I am sure this is not it but I have heard of benign tumors that can make a person look pregnant. I hope you have seen a doctor just to rule out any medical condition that could cause a large waist. Otherwise you might be one of those people who have to resort to liposuction if they get to their ideal weight and still have problem areas.
  • YouLittleJerk
    Try to maintain a diet of lean meats, non-starchy vegetables,low glycemic fruit and small amount of whole grains. Only water as a beverage, you can have tea or coffee as long as you do not add sugar or too much milk/cream. Eliminate white flour and sugar. Long term this diet is not much fun but it is tolerable short term. I've done this for 6-8 week period. Now I keep my refined carbs to a minimum and only have a sweet snack once a week.

    That is exactly what my nutritionist has me on right now :) I have been doing that for 2 weeks and have been losing weight...maybe I just need to give it more time. I just took my measurements today so I will check it in 2 more weeks and see how it goes.

    Thank you :)
  • morganmt
    morganmt Posts: 18 Member
    1000 calories a day?!?! Sounds like you need a new nutritionist.

    That is exactly why you aren't seeing changes...you aren't eating enough. It also looks like your fat, carb, and protein counts are way too low. MFP gives you a bare minimum of 1200 calories per day and that's not even really enough to reap the benefits of the exercise you are doing. It looks like you are putting some good work with exercise though :smile:

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    It will give you some insight to how much you should be eating based on your activity level.

    Best of luck!
  • x3samanthasue
    x3samanthasue Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'7" and when I used to weight 145, I was a size 10. That's my current goal weight and last time I was at that weight I was very in-shape. I probably only could have gone down another 5 pounds on my frame. I think the smallest size I'll ever wear is a size 10 in jeans and a size 12 in dresses. That's just the way I'm built. I have a small waist, but a large bust and hips.

    If you're just hooked on a number, don't be. As long as your body fat percentage is healthy and you're happy with your appearance I wouldn't stress about being a size 10. I know it's on the upper-end of women's sizing before you get into plus-size clothes, but everyone's built different and you can't use a clothing size to determine your success or compare yourself to others!

    If you're still losing that's good, it may just take more time. Since you can't spot-reduce wherever you want, there's really nothing you can do to hone in on your waist, just give it some time!
  • YouLittleJerk
    I'm not a nutritionist, or trainer, or anything of the sort. But, perhaps it's just your genetics? An example for myself is that I'm 159 lbs, my waist is 28", but my calves are 16". From my experience, no matter how small I get (lowest adult weight was 135), my calves stay roughly that size. Or perhaps, when you lose the last of the weight that you want to, it'll come from your stomach area.

    You're def on the right track regarding genetics...my mother and aunts all have wide hips when I looked into it. I know it sounds vein but I have jeans from a couple of years ago that are a size 9 (yes, I tend to hoard clothing that I love :) ) so I am PRAYING that you are right and my last 8 lbs come from my stomach. I would kill to have your 28 inch waist lol. Thank you for your response.
  • dixoncrew
    dixoncrew Posts: 186 Member
    I may be wrong but it sounds like your body is storing all your extra fat around your middle because at 1,000 cals a day you are starving yourself. That wouldn't be enough calories if you were comatose. I would fire your nutritionist and find a new one ASAP.
  • amy3cc
    amy3cc Posts: 16 Member
    THANK YOU! 1000 calories is definitely too low. Up those calories!
  • YouLittleJerk
    I may be wrong but it sounds like your body is storing all your extra fat around your middle because at 1,000 cals a day you are starving yourself. That wouldn't be enough calories if you were comatose. I would fire your nutritionist and find a new one ASAP.

    Ohhhh NO! She is wonderful...if it wasn't for her I'd still be 245 lbs...She has me doing 1,200 calories a day but I work 3 jobs and go to school at night so I was just being honest with the actual calories I take in.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm not a nutritionist, or trainer, or anything of the sort. But, perhaps it's just your genetics? An example for myself is that I'm 159 lbs, my waist is 28", but my calves are 16". From my experience, no matter how small I get (lowest adult weight was 135), my calves stay roughly that size. Or perhaps, when you lose the last of the weight that you want to, it'll come from your stomach area.

    Yah this...I am the same height as you are...weight 178 and I wear a loose 10 (could probably wear a nine but they are hard to find) and my waist at it's smallest point is 32 at the widest point (belly button) it's 36.5 hips are 40.5...now here is the kicker..my chest is 38.75 and bra band measurment is 34...

    I will always be broad across the chest...nothing I can do about it...I will get a bit smaller but nothing substainal.
  • YouLittleJerk
    I'm 5'7" and when I used to weight 145, I was a size 10. That's my current goal weight and last time I was at that weight I was very in-shape. I probably only could have gone down another 5 pounds on my frame. I think the smallest size I'll ever wear is a size 10 in jeans and a size 12 in dresses. That's just the way I'm built. I have a small waist, but a large bust and hips.

    If you're just hooked on a number, don't be. As long as your body fat percentage is healthy and you're happy with your appearance I wouldn't stress about being a size 10. I know it's on the upper-end of women's sizing before you get into plus-size clothes, but everyone's built different and you can't use a clothing size to determine your success or compare yourself to others!

    If you're still losing that's good, it may just take more time. Since you can't spot-reduce wherever you want, there's really nothing you can do to hone in on your waist, just give it some time!

    Thank you for replying since you were/are in a similar position. I have been a comfortable 8 before....so if I don't end up being a size 6 it really wouldn't bother me at all. I just want to be healthy, like you said, a good BMI and body fat percentage.
  • pattya925
    pattya925 Posts: 398
    Is some of it genetics?? I inherited my mom's "wide" waist... no hourglass here... and no matter what my weight, my waist never really gets tiny.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Where does your goal of a 30 inch waist come from? It could just be that your body shape is what it is. Not everyone is going to be an hourglass.

    At her height she probably doesn't need to be an hourglass to get a 30" waist unless she has a very large frame. I'm 5'7" with a rather short waisted "ruler" type build, and at 123 pounds I have a 29" waist. That's thick enough that I have a difficult time finding pants that fit at the waist without being baggy in the seat and thighs. I also store fat first and lose it last from my belly and midsection. At the OP's current weight, my measurements were very similar to hers.
  • YouLittleJerk
    1000 calories a day?!?! Sounds like you need a new nutritionist.

    That is exactly why you aren't seeing changes...you aren't eating enough. It also looks like your fat, carb, and protein counts are way too low. MFP gives you a bare minimum of 1200 calories per day and that's not even really enough to reap the benefits of the exercise you are doing. It looks like you are putting some good work with exercise though :smile:

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    It will give you some insight to how much you should be eating based on your activity level.

    Best of luck!

    It's really me, not her :( she has me doing 1200 but I work 3 jobs and go to school at night so I don't find myself eating the full 1200 calories. I work my butt off (literally) and to come this far and not reach my goals because I am not eating enough would be silly. I am going to make sure that I eat my full 1200 a day (add more lean protein possibly) and see how that works out for me. I am also going to read that site more in depth as well! Thank you :)
  • YouLittleJerk
    Where does your goal of a 30 inch waist come from? It could just be that your body shape is what it is. Not everyone is going to be an hourglass.

    My goal is based on what I used to wear before I gained a lot of weight. I am currently 34 inches at the waist and fit a size 11...I used to wear size jeans that were 8/9's...I am more than fine with the rest of my measurements but I know I have an hourglass shape...somewhere.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm going to go for the obvious question. Are you measuring your waist in the right place?

    Measure at the narrowest part of your torso, where your body naturally bends. That's your waist.

    A lot of women measure at their belly button, and that's often NOT the actual waist. My waist is about two inches above my naval.