Absolutely starved at 1300 calories

hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
So a while ago I had to quit my gym membership. I try to add exercise now and then but I don't like adding 'power walk' or jogging to my exercise as I feel, outside the gym, that I am overestimating calories burned - unless I can count them precicely, I don't trust the number (and experience tells me I'm right). So I try to just walk as much as possible, without counting it as exercise. Recently, I've been doing my internship every day, all day (until late), and it's very passive work.

Anyway, for a moderate weight loss I am to eat 1300 calories a day. But I feel that in the evening I am STARVED. By that I don't mean 'keen on snacks', I mean hungry. I make sure I eat foods that give energy - oats, eggs, chicken, pork with some occasional cheese. But if I am to stay within 1300 calories, I am - depressingly - to go hungry to bed, and there are only so many nights I can do so. The next day I wake up hungry and my need for food is even stronger.

For the past week, I have eaten around 1500-1600 calories a day, and I have not lost as much as half a pound. My weight is constant. Experience tells me the same - I won't lose weight at all unless I am actually below 1300. It seems whether I eat 1500 or 1800 a day doesn't matter. That's why it's exhausting - why am I restricting myself if it doesn't matter?

I am not looking for advice telling me I'm in 'starvation mode' or to add exercise, but nutrition advice only. For those who eat 1300 a day and manage to maintain it, how do you do it? Do you feel starved or manage to feel satisfied?

Does a person's age and weight influence this? I have just turned 23, female, I am 5"9 and 132 lbs. Not looking to lose a lot of weight, just the last few lbs.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    If you opened your diary it would be a lot easier to give you advice about your diet.

    In general - eat a lot of veggies, skip the "diet" foods that are low-cal but not at all filling, lots of fiber and protein will keep you fuller longer.
  • Age certainly does matter but not at 23, and if you're at the last few pounds, they're the hardest. It's tricky but I submit that it is more about quality than quantity. And I'm also an advocate of EATING if you are truly hungry. Listen to your body. If you give it what it needs, it will respond. Sorry if that isn't specific enough but that's my best advice!
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    5'9 and 132 lbs.. and you are looking for weight loss???? sorry I think you probably are more than within a heathy weight.. good luck
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    a: at 5'9" and 132#, you are already thin. you don't need to lose eight, but if you want to shed a couple , what I cal 'vanity pounds'- then you should eat at a very small deficit.

    b: at your height/weight your BMR- basic calories so your body can just function, is about 1550.

    you are eating well below the level that your body needs to just function. no wonder you are so hungry all the time.

    eat a little more. add protein and healthy fats.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    Keep going with the 1500-1600 for a few weeks to a month,and then
    Gage your progress. Weight loss isn't linear and it takes longer than a week to accomplish.
    Give it time.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    I am not looking for advice telling me I'm in 'starvation mode' or to add exercise

    You may want to re-think this. Strength training + regular activity + enough food = an excellent solution for many people in your situation (and you don't need a gym membership to be successful). Severely limiting your food intake and constantly feeling hungry is neither healthy nor sustainable.
  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    Your BMI is at 19.5. This may be your body's way of telling you that this is your set weight. If you aren't happy with your body, I don't think losing a few pounds will change much. What will change this is losing body fat. I would add some body resistance and focus on dropping body fat rather than pounds. Ignore the scale and focus on body recomposition. During this process, you could actually gain weight and look thinner/lose inches.

    I'm sort of in the same boat. Healthy BMI, but not happy with the way I look. Have started Barre3 classes, Mixxed Fit classes and moderate weights....upped my calories. Already lost a couple of inches this month. Scale is pretty much the same.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    If you are "absolutely starved" then eat more.

    At 19.5 BMI you should honestly be looking to add more muscle to improve your body's shape, so you should probably be eating waaaay more.
  • When is the last time you eat a meal? Remember if you are eating your last meal around 4pm and then going to sleep and not eating again until 9am, you are going a long time between and your body might just want a few calories more.

    I find eating a little later helps. Maybe a protein like chicken breast and salsa (under 200 calories) but it will fuel your hunger pains. If you don't want to add more and your stomach is saying EAT then I would eat.
  • MFP is WAY too low on its calorie allowance. I'm almost sure there's a healthier tool out there, but the users here are cool. Check your TDEE at http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ (there's several of these websites). Dieting doesn't have to be that painful. I'd rather lose weight slowly. When I lose weight by starving, the fat always comes back and it brings its fat friends.
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    Your metabolism may be adjusting to the amount of fuel you're eating and level of activity. Also bumping up your protein and fat ratio may help with being more satiated. Being hungry all the time is not going to be sustainable. Willpower will eventually give in.
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    1300 calories isn't enough! Look up your TDEE (you can google a calculator for it), and multiply it by .8. Eat that much so you're maintaining your metabolism and not starving yourself. It's a much more sustainable diet. As long as you're eating good foods (veggies, protein, fiber), you'll do well! Keep up the workouts!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You do not even need to be losing more weight.
    Why the big deal about being the lowest BMI you can be in the normal range?
    I mean, a person weighing more than you, but with muscle, will look better anyway, so why not aim for appearance rather than scale number. Why put your body through torture unnecessarily?
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    You feel starved because you are. When you up your cals, especially when you have been eating so low for your activity level, your body is going to naturally hold onto things. It may take a few weeks before you see the scale move again. Seeing some red flags in your language. Don't get so caught up in the numbers that you put your health at risk.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    you asked for nutritional advice:
    here is some nutritional advice:

    Eat more protein, eat more fats, eat more calories, eat less foods labeled "diet" or "Low-Fat", eat less artificial sweeteners, eat less processed foods.

    I tried 1300 cal/day and am 5'6.5", I was tired, groggy, headachy, HUNGRY. so I gave my body more nutrients.

  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    You are eating below your BMR, OF COURSE you feel starved!! I pulled this off of fat2 fit for you. You are at a normal healthy weight already, but if you wanted to lose a few more pounds you are still under eating by a long shot.

    Entered information: 23 year old female, 69 inches tall, weighing 132 pounds, BMI of 19.5 (Normal weight).

    From the information that you entered, you'd like to weigh 125 lbs.

    Harris-Benedict Formula
    There are a few different methods to calculating yourbasal metabolic rate (BMR). One of the most popular, developed in the early 1900's is called the Harris-Benedict formula. Based on this formula, your current BMR is 1445 calories. YOU SHOULD NOT EAT BELOW THIS!

    How Many Calories Should I Eat?
    Based on your goal weight, the following chart was generated. The chart shows the number of calories that you should eat on a daily basis to reach your goal weight. At Fat 2 Fit Radio we advocate eating like the thin, healthy person that you want to become. The calorie levels you see in the chart are not extreme, but they do create that all important caloric deficit that is required to get you to your goal weight in a safe manner. Once you reach your goal weight, you will continue eating the same number of calories for the rest of your life to maintain that weight. You'll never be on a diet again.

    Based on how much activity you do on an average day, the calories in the right column will be the number of calories that you will be able to eat at your goal weight. If you start eating those calories right now (eating like the thinner you), you will eventually become that thinner person. As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point.

    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1698 this is what you should eat for weight loss
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1946
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2193
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2441
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2689
  • kstar521
    kstar521 Posts: 7
    I am having the same problem!
  • Fishshtick
    Fishshtick Posts: 120 Member
    I assembled my hunger killer food item from the scientific literature on food effects on hunger and weight loss. My magic combo is any flavor non-fat Chobani yogurt (6 oz) with 1/2 cup of Fiber One cereal mixed in for crunch. Both foods are at the top of the list of foods that provide satiation and the combo is only 200 calories. In my experience it is the perfect evening snack to kill hunger for the rest of the night.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    Thanks for advice. I don't eat a lot of 'diet foods', but I do have some of those Weight Watchers snacks lying around, and I'll throw them out.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    For the past week, I have eaten around 1500-1600 calories a day, and I have not lost as much as half a pound. My weight is constant.

    A week is hardly enough time to know if you're losing weight or not.