
paulina1964 Posts: 4 Member
I have someone in the family who currently tries to sabotage my intentions to loose weight. I find it hard to stay on track because they continue to buy food that os fattening like chips salsa ice crwam bars.
Problem is if i see them i reach out to them. I am trying but feel like ithey are winning. They throw in my face its all about will power. They themselves are oberweight that is the sad part.

How do i get contrl ovrr this. help.
I feel i am being abused by this torture ways.

Any suggestions how to handle this?


  • xWondertje
    xWondertje Posts: 65 Member
    You can never give another person the blame for something you can or could control. It's only you who can change yourself, and you can't expect others to agree with everything the way you want it. If you feel like you're not in control of how you're eating, you might need therapy. I do myself, as I suffer from binge eating, but I would never blame it on my boyfriend for buying something that I later binge. I've only got myself to blame and work forward with.

    There will always be people around you who want different things than you, that has nothing to do with sabotaging your attempts. It's simply the way life works. Work on your mindset, and if it's the food in itself you want, try to work some good snacks into your macros. Today for example, I'm having a big juicy pizza, well within my calorie limit. I probably won't eat all of it, but I could and still be within my limit. It's all about choices.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Nasty saboteurs.

    Salsa is not fattening or calorific. It's the scoops that have the calories.

    How about getting your own stash of snacks that you can reach for when the nasty overweight saboteur is up to their willpower tricks?

    You can use rice cake crisps to scoop up the salsa, air popped popcorn, and very low calorie ice cream bars like Arctic Zero and Skinny Cow.

    I think this person's behavior speaks volumes about their own issues. Like if you lose weight while they don't. I wouldn't take it personally.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    You can't control what other people do.
    Instead you have to have will power.
    I know it sucks and it would be easier if everyone did it your way, but that's life.

    Though out this entire process I have lived with my husband bringing cake and chocolate into the house daily. I can't force him to not eat it himself, that would be unfair to him. So i had to learn self control.
  • vllynn
    vllynn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Paulina, that is difficult. I always say I could loose as much weight as I wanted if someone would just feed me the right foods. I would never go looking for something. My husband has great metabolism and can eat anything he wants. Unfortunately, he loves to bake and he has a thing for anything sweet. So you can imagine what that is like. I gained 30 lbs. when we got married. He also loves to cook with butter, etc. I have come to realize that I have to decide what I want. Sometimes I am resentful and feel like he is sabotaging me. I tell him this and I know he feels badly, but his addiction to sugar belongs to him. I hang a dress in clear view in my closet that I want to fit into again. I keep looking at it and thinking that is more important than eating things that are not good for me. It is helping. I also joined a program through work (RealAppeal) which provides online coaching sessions. And I try hard to track all of my food in myfitnesspal, along with using my Jawbone UP band to take as many steps as I can (which gives me credit for a treat). In addition, I try hard to get 7.5 hours sleep a night, because I believe it helps me to be stronger. Lastly, I try to keep my stress in check as much as possible. If I have a stressful day, I just want to come home and eat the house down. I have recognized that pattern and instead, I plan what I will be eating that night so I am not tempted. I hope you find something here that helps!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited July 2016
    Well, my sister is back from France/US and brought me some goodies, including some amazing macarons and dark roasted peanut butter. What did I do? I had 3 macarons yesterday and gave her the other 3, and a spoonful of peanut butter today. There is also a fancy salted caramel chocolate truffle box lying around that I haven't opened yet and a pouch of fancy almond butter. I have sampled quite a few tea flavors though. It made me happy that she thought of me during her trip.

    Food will always be around you, so better learn how to moderate it now when mistakes of judgement are mediated by a deficit than when you start maintaining and a bad day would mean total gain. Think of this as training wheels. You can't expect everyone around you change just because you have changed. Yes it's hard, but it gets easier with time.