Looking for supportive friends

I am looking for friends who are on the plus side. I am 37 and I was diagnosed with an eating disorder when I was 9. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I struggle with body image daily. I was taught poor eating habits so now I am trying to reteach myself. I am looking for friends who understand being plus sized and learning new healthy lifestyles.


  • atitagain1958
    atitagain1958 Posts: 160 Member
    I just sent you a friend request! I'm 57 and Lane Bryant, Avenue, Just my Size, Catherine's, and a few others know me well (unfortunately). I have well over 100 lbs to lose. I grew up being told I was fat so I've had a lot of psychological issues to deal with my entire life. I log in every day and write comments to all my friends. Anyone who sees this and wants to be friends can feel free to add me!!
  • lilligraz22
    lilligraz22 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi there....I, too have struggled my entire life with eating disorders and have gotten those pretty much in check. Need to lose 20 lbs after being diagnosed with hashimoto thyroiditis 2 yrs ago. Would love to do this together. Feel free to add me