Hard time reaching proten goal- Vegetarian



  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    Don't worry about it. US RDAs are based on what the average American eats, not what they should eat. You'll be fine eating lower levels of protein and higher levels of complex carbohydrates.
    Look at the Japanese, the healthiest nation in the world. Many people would say that's because they don't eat so much protein.
    Don't believe the myth that protein eaten =muscle growth. The body makes its own protein for that. As long as you are 'regular' in the bathroom, you are eating enough protein for you. ( Faeces are excess protein (plus a few other things) )

    This is completely wrong.
  • Zewwy
    Zewwy Posts: 11 Member
    Hey OP, I'm in the same boat! I've been a lifelong vegetarian but now that I'm tracking my food, I'm noticing that my protein is about half of what mfp says it should be. It is hard to add it in!

    Just wanted to say I feel your pain and thank you for this thread, following for other great suggestions!
  • Wophie
    Wophie Posts: 126 Member
    Hey I'm also a vegetarian, however I'm not currently focusing on the muscle gain as much. I do however eat the following on a typical day to try and get my protein up:

    Greek yoghurt
    Protein granola


    Salad with cheese or tofu
    Sometimes with extra nuts/quiona/edamame beans

    Graze protein snack

    Tofu/fake meat with whatever else I have planned for dinner

    Mine is by no means high protein or anything, but I do consciously try to add extra protein to my day.
  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you for all the tips, everyone! A few of you have mentioned upping my calorie count to build muscle- will that help the fat go? It's mostly some excess in my legs and midsection- I know normally it does help but I don't know it will go fast enough, I'm trying to loose as much as I can of it in the next 5.5 weeks. Or should I be upping my cardio?