
Hi I've just joined ... Any tips?


  • Shitty_Dieter
    Shitty_Dieter Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Kimberly, I've been at this for less than a month, but the two things I can say is
    1) to weigh and log everything! Seriously, you don't want to eyeball anything for a while. It's given me a much greater sense of control of what I eat and that is an amazing feeling.
    2) that there will be days where you didn't meet your goal. That's okay! Just log everything and keep at it! It's only over when you give up, and you don't want that, right? I certainly don't want that for you! If you keep on logging whatever you do, you'll quickly revert back to a healthier lifestyle, I promise you that.

    Just never ever give up and have fun while you're at it!